Usually written in kana
1. without
Top 4400
Composed of
without; unacceptable; not alright; unsatisfactory
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
to do without
to do without
Examples (48 in total)
We can't live without air.
I can't live without music.
I can't live without television.
Can you ride without a saddle?
I can't live without you.
Man cannot live without water.
Nobody can exist without food.
We can do without the car.
I can't do without your advice.
Nothing can be gained without effort.
She can't do without milk.
My mother can't read without glasses.
We can't live without oxygen.
Human beings can't live without food.
You can't make bricks without straw.
How will you manage without a job?
It is impossible to live without water.
You can't read this novel without crying.
Please don't enter the room without knocking.
He worked last night without taking a break.
We cannot do without air and water.
He can't go without beer even for a day.
Poets cannot live without love.
He'll have to do without a gun.
No animal can exist without plants.
I can't do my job without a computer.
But we carried on without him.
I can't do without coffee after meals.
We talked without the aid of an interpreter.
You must not travel on the train without a ticket.
We can't pull this off without Tom.
I don't like to go out without a coat on such a cold day.
We cannot do without water even for a day.
He likes drinking coffee without sugar.
It's very difficult to play football without a ball.
He can't go without wine for even a day.
I cannot do without this dictionary even a day.
I understand that life without love is impossible for me.
Don't go out in this heat without wearing a hat.
Whatever language you study, you cannot do without a dictionary.
You shouldn't read people's private letters without permission.
Ben learned to make a fire without matches.
Once you get used to electronic media, you can no longer do without them.
A passport is something you cannot do without when you go to a foreign country.
After I began learning Japanese, I was eventually able to understand dramas without using subtitles.
You cannot purchase this medicine without a prescription.
It's really difficult to survive in a big city like Tokyo without going into debt.
She spent ten days without a toilet or shower.