Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. call; visit
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (17 in total)
home visitation (esp. a teacher visiting a student's home); home visit; house call
caller; visitor
Examples (56 in total)
I'll visit you tomorrow.
Is this your first visit to Japan?
You should visit Kyoto.
Why are you visiting the United Kingdom?
Have you ever visited Rome?
I'm seeing my uncle tomorrow.
The policeman visited all the houses.
I want to visit Egypt some day.
I paid him a visit yesterday.
I was surprised by her sudden visit.
I expected that he would visit me.
She visited the teacher.
I'm looking forward to visiting your school.
I'll visit my uncle next week.
The President of France visited Okinawa.
He visited Kyoto last year.
Ken visited his teacher yesterday.
Tom visited Mary yesterday.
The empress is visiting Australia.
Carol visited Boston last month.
The prime minister paid a formal visit to the White House.
I expected that I would visit him, but I couldn't.
He visited her house the other day.
This was my first visit to a foreign country.
He's not going to visit you tomorrow.
Yes. We'll visit a factory which produces television sets.
Is the museum visited by many people?
Helen visits her uncle every Sunday.
One day she and I visited an old friend.
I visit him every other day.
The minister is to visit Mexico next week.
An exhibition was given in anticipation of the Queen's visit.
A student visited the house of the great playwright.
A woman visited us while you were sleeping.
Either you or I should visit her.
I was able to visit several American homes.
She must have visited England last summer.
England is a country that I've wanted to visit for a long time.
If I had known her address, I could have visited her.
We plan to visit Mr. Smith tomorrow.
I'll visit Mr. Brown's house tomorrow.
My father is to visit Korea next week.
I had never seen a windmill until I visited the Netherlands.
Our visit has been very pleasant.
That place is worth visiting at least once.
He had been working on his novel for six months when we visited him.
The number of Europeans who visit Thailand every year is very large.
This is the most beautiful country I have ever visited.
You should visit Kyoto, which is famous for its old temples and shrines.
When I visited my friend in Nagano, I was treated to delicious soba.
The purpose of our trip is to visit friends and see some tourist spots.
When I visited Ken, he was studying.
I visited Kushiro for the first time.
She had been sick for a week when I visited her.
My grandmother had been sick for a week when I visited her.
When I visited my hometown this summer, I found the city different from what it had been ten years ago.