1. law
Pitch accent
Composed of
law; act; method; mood; dharma; law
law (esp. ancient East Asian criminal code); regulation; vinaya (rules for the monastic community); Ritsu (school of Buddhism); lüshi (style of Chinese poem); (musical) pitch; six odd-numbered notes of the ancient chromatic scale
Used in vocabulary (19 in total)
law office; law firm
legal; from a legal standpoint; legally speaking; de jure
juristical; legal
Examples (74 in total)
The law is the law.
We must abide by the law.
The courts administer the law.
Everyone knows the law.
He is studying law at the university.
This law does not apply in Japan.
The law is still in effect.
The lawyer explained the new law to us.
He was caught in the clutches of the law.
The law isn't always right.
A good citizen obeys the laws.
His action is against the law.
The law is not in effect any longer.
The law needs to be amended.
When will the law go into force?
The law was enacted in the Meiji era.
Minors are prohibited from smoking by law.
Can she get the law degree?
Tom is studying law at Harvard.
Everybody is bound to obey the laws.
Laws differ from state to state in the United States.
People in general are against the new law.
Are you in favor of the new law?
We had to obey the foreign law.
They defied the laws of the king.
There were no laws for people to abide by.
It is said that he studied law when he was young.
This law applies to everybody.
The law is no longer in force.
This law is applicable to all cases.
From the standpoint of the law, he is free.
All the clergy are against the new law.
When was that law abolished?
Everyone must keep the law.
It's about time we did away with this outdated law.
In North America it is against the law to fail to fasten your seatbelt.
He studied law at Harvard.
I wonder who this bizarre law is for.
I will never violate a law again.
This law will deprive us of our basic rights.
We should always act in obedience to the law.
The new law has deprived the citizens of their liberty.
It's our duty to always obey the law.
Crimes sometimes result from ignorance of the law.
It goes without saying that every one is bound to obey the law.
This law will benefit the poor.
Those old laws were all done away with.
The new law has done away with the long-standing custom.
This law shall have effect in Japan.
Several people have been accused of breaking the law.
The legislators of that state did away with outdated laws.
Laws to prevent computer crimes were enacted in the USA.
The law obliges us to send our children to school.
Everybody is supposed to know the law, but few people really do.
People can turn to the law if they want to correct an injustice.
A number of countries have strict laws against drugs.
The laws oblige all citizens to pay taxes.
Not every student studying law can be a lawyer.
The new law will deprive religious minorities of their right to vote.
The law forbids the building of any skyscraper on this land.
Legal changes threaten online sales in digital commerce.
My brother went to the United States to study law.
Many countries have passed laws to prohibit people from smoking in public places.
A loophole in the law allowed him to escape prosecution.
In many countries, buying or smoking cannabis is forbidden by law.
Society must do away with laws which cause racial discrimination.
He feels this new law will restrict his freedom.
The law now requires women to be employed on equal terms with men.
Health advocates have pushed for laws restricting work-place smoking.
This law came into existence in 1918.
The law will be effective from the 1st of April.
Foreigners who live in Japan are judged according to Japanese laws.
Fortune 500 companies were the hardest hit by recent legislation.
English law prohibits children under 16 from buying cigarettes.