1. law; rule
Pitch accent
Composed of
direction; way; side (of an argument, etc.); one's part; type; category; field (of study, etc.)
counter for rules; rule; regulation
Used in vocabulary (104 in total)
physical law; laws of physics
law-like nature; regularity
law of nature; natural law
law of conservation of mass
law of conservation of energy
Murphy's Law ("Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong")
Mendel's laws (of genetic inheritance)
(Fleming's) left-hand rule
law of large numbers
second law of thermodynamics
second law of thermodynamics
Charles' law; Charles's law
Fleming's rules (Fleming's left-hand rule and Fleming's right-hand rule)
law of causality
law of value
law of thermodynamics; laws of thermodynamics
action-reaction law; Newton's third law of motion
Pareto principle; Pareto's law; 80-20 rule
(Fleming's) right-hand rule
law of conservation of momentum
(Mendel's) law of dominance
law of thermodynamics; laws of thermodynamics
(Mendel's) law of segregation
(Mendel's) law of independent assortment
law of conservation of angular momentum
Kirchhoff's law; Kirchhoff's laws
Gresham's Law ("when there is a legal tender currency, bad money drives good money out of circulation")
law of multiple proportions
law of multiple proportions
first law of thermodynamics
commutative law
law of diminishing marginal utility
law of diminishing returns; law of diminishing marginal returns
(Mendel's) law of dominance
law of combining volumes
law of refraction
law of definite proportions
law of equilibrium (Le Chatelier's principle)
associative law
distributive law
third law of thermodynamics
law of superposition; principle of superposition
Examples (8 in total)
You can't go against the laws of nature.
We are subject to the laws of nature.
Newton established the law of gravity.