1. form; method; system; formula
Pitch accent
Composed of
direction; way; side (of an argument, etc.); one's part; type; category; field (of study, etc.)
equation; formula; ceremony; style; (arch.) enforcement regulations (of the ritsuryo)
Used in vocabulary (69 in total)
production system; production method; manufacturing system
new method; new system
just-in-time inventory management; JIT
transmission method; communication system
input method; input system
printing method
three shop system; system employed by pachinko parlours of using separate shops to exchange prizes for cash as a way of circumventing gambling laws
priority production system
production committee system (joint financing for a work, e.g. anime, film, game)
installment plan; instalment plan
diversity receiving system
Hoffmann method
edge trigger method
cellular system
television system
frame synchronous communication
look-ahead (technique)
arithmetic equation
conventional cryptosystem
Indexed Sequential Access Method; ISAM
multiple access methods (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA)
interactive mode
encoding method
CDMA; code division multiple access
modulation method
wireless system
gradualist approach; build-up approach; buildup approach
Dutch auction
Japanese-Brazilian implementation of ISDB (digital television and radio standard)
yardstick regulation (price regulation scheme)
system of preparing school meals on-site