1. speech; tongue; talk; eloquence
2. dialect; brogue; accent
3. bento; Japanese box lunch
4. petal
Adjective (の)
5. valve
6. Oversight Department; division of the daijokan under the ritsuryo system responsible for controlling central and provincial governmental offices
Kanji used
Pitch accent
Top 11400
Used in vocabulary (112 in total)
bento; Japanese box lunch
pardon; forgiveness; forbearance
explanation (e.g. for one's actions); excuse; justification; defense; defence
Benten (goddess of arts and wisdom)
explanation; excuse; clarification; vindication; apology
oratory; eloquence
speaking by proxy; speaking for (someone else); payment by proxy; compensation by proxy; acting for (someone else); carrying out (on someone's behalf)
impassioned speech; fervent speech
protest; refutation; pleading
boxed lunch bought at a station (often a local specialty); sexual position in which one person stands supporting the other
discussion; debate; argument
insisting (unreasonably); obstinate insistence
talkativeness; loquacity; polypetalous; multivalve
artificial valve; artificial heart valve
to speak; to talk; to argue; to manage; to dispose of; to carry through
eloquence; oratory
mitral valve; bicuspid valve
lecturer; rhetorician; orator; narrator in Japanese silent cinema; film interpreter
to be eloquent; to have a way with words
eating one's lunch box before lunchtime (e.g. of a student)
demonstration; proof
homemade bento containing food decorated to look like cute characters (from anime, etc.)
nori bento
Tokyo dialect; Tokyo accent
paying one's own expenses
distinguishing; distinction; discrimination; telling apart
interpreter (in the Edo period)
lunchbox hanging from one's waist; low-paid office worker
foolish tale; nonsense
Tsugaru Dialect (Tsugaru region of Aomori Prefecture)
speaker; orator
large Japanese junk
narrator in Japanese silent cinema
monopetalous; univalve
reparation; indemnity; compensation; reimbursement
excuse; plea; defense; defence
to speak eloquently; to talk volubly
defense (of oneself); defence (of oneself); explanation
payment; defrayal; disbursement
speech; manner of speaking
eloquence; oratorical talent
joint management; pool; gamopetalous; sympetalous
heart valve; cardiac valve
hot bento
Tōhoku dialect; Tohoku dialect
valve (of the heart and the veins)
sophistry; sophism
red iron oxide; rouge
hot bento
denunciation; criticism
discernment; clear analysis; clear expression; distinguished speech
Oversight Department (division of the daijokan responsible for controlling central and provincial governmental offices)
independent lawyer; lawyer with their own practice
thick Tōhoku accent (wherein some "j" sounds become "z" sounds)
finishing one's business; settling an affair
the busier you are, the better you work; the more, the better
electromagnetic valve; solenoid valve
Iyo dialect (spoken in Ehime prefecture)
partnership between a lawyer and non-lawyer in providing law services (illegal)
throttle valve
vexillum; vane (of a feather)
thick Tōhoku accent (wherein some "j" sounds become "z" sounds)
Izumo dialect (spoken mostly in eastern Shimane prefecture)
atrioventricular valve
store-bought bento
sophistry; sophism
clerical work
thick Tōhoku accent (wherein some "j" sounds become "z" sounds)
the busier you are, the better you work; the more, the better
the busier you are, the better you work; the more, the better
the busier you are, the better you work; the more, the better
something worn over tabi to keep them from getting dirty
practising law without a license
dialects of Japanese spoken in Eastern Tottori prefecture
hemostasis valve
choripetalous; polypetalous; schizopetalous
water regulating valve; gate valve
skilful debate; well-constructed debate
valve seat
globe valve; spherical valve; stop valve
keel petal (type of flower)
globe valve; spherical valve; stop valve
anal valve; valvulae anales
Inshū dialect (spoken in eastern Tottori)
flap; skin flap
lunch box brought to cram school; cram school lunch box
thick Osaka dialect (as supposedly spoken by Hanshin Tigers fans)