1. speech; tongue; talk; eloquence
2. dialect; brogue; accent
3. bento; Japanese box lunch
4. petal
Adjective (の)
5. valve
6. Oversight Department; division of the daijokan under the ritsuryo system responsible for controlling central and provincial governmental offices
Pitch accent
Top 30900
Used in vocabulary (101 in total)
pardon; forgiveness; forbearance
Benten (goddess of arts and wisdom)
bento; Japanese box lunch
red iron oxide; rouge
explanation; excuse; clarification; vindication; apology
protest; refutation; pleading
sophistry; sophism
clerical work
boxed lunch bought at a station (often a local specialty); sexual position in which one person stands supporting the other
Kansai dialect
interpreter (in the Edo period)
hot bento
explanation (e.g. for one's actions); excuse; justification; defense; defence
oratory; eloquence
speaking by proxy; speaking for (someone else); payment by proxy; compensation by proxy; acting for (someone else); carrying out (on someone's behalf)
impassioned speech; fervent speech
discussion; debate; argument
insisting (unreasonably); obstinate insistence
talkativeness; loquacity; polypetalous; multivalve
artificial valve; artificial heart valve
eloquence; oratory
nori bento
lecturer; rhetorician; orator; narrator in Japanese silent cinema; film interpreter
mitral valve; bicuspid valve
Osaka dialect
safety valve
eating one's lunch box before lunchtime (e.g. of a student)
homemade bento containing food decorated to look like cute characters (from anime, etc.)
Tokyo dialect; Tokyo accent
paying one's own expenses
large Japanese junk
distinguishing; distinction; discrimination; telling apart
demonstration; proof
lunchbox hanging from one's waist; low-paid office worker
foolish tale; nonsense
Tsugaru Dialect (Tsugaru region of Aomori Prefecture)
Tosa dialect
narrator in Japanese silent cinema
speech; manner of speaking
monopetalous; univalve
Edo dialect
reparation; indemnity; compensation; reimbursement
excuse; plea; defense; defence
defense (of oneself); defence (of oneself); explanation
payment; defrayal; disbursement
eloquence; oratorical talent
joint management; pool; gamopetalous; sympetalous
lunch money
Tōhoku dialect; Tohoku dialect
heart valve; cardiac valve
Hokkaido dialect
vexillum; vane (of a feather)
artificial heart valve
valve (of the heart and the veins)
denunciation; criticism
exhaust valve
speaker; orator
Kantō dialect
thick Tōhoku accent (wherein some "j" sounds become "z" sounds)
thick Tōhoku accent (wherein some "j" sounds become "z" sounds)
Oversight Department (division of the daijokan responsible for controlling central and provincial governmental offices)
discernment; clear analysis; clear expression; distinguished speech
independent lawyer; lawyer with their own practice
electromagnetic valve; solenoid valve
the busier you are, the better you work; the more, the better
finishing one's business; settling an affair
Iyo dialect (spoken in Ehime prefecture)
throttle valve
partnership between a lawyer and non-lawyer in providing law services (illegal)
atrioventricular valve
Izumo dialect (spoken mostly in eastern Shimane prefecture)
store-bought bento
valve seat
semilunar valve
cushion valve
keel petal (type of flower)
butterfly valve
Inshū dialect (spoken in eastern Tottori)
dialects of Japanese spoken in Eastern Tottori prefecture
skilful debate; well-constructed debate
water regulating valve; gate valve
thick Osaka dialect (as supposedly spoken by Hanshin Tigers fans)
something worn over tabi to keep them from getting dirty
anal valve; valvulae anales
flap; skin flap
globe valve; spherical valve; stop valve
choripetalous; polypetalous; schizopetalous
lunch box brought to cram school; cram school lunch box
practising law without a license
hemostasis valve
Examples (11 in total)
He didn't believe Ben's words.
Is that boy Tom or Ben?
Ben also has something to do with the matter.