Adjective (な)
1. convenience; service; facility; accommodation
2. excreta (esp. faeces); excrement; stool
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
simple; easy; convenient; handy
protuberant; paunchy; idly
convenient; handy; useful
toilet bowl; urinal; chamber pot; bedpan
toilet seat
urine; piss; pee; breaking a contract
expedient; means; instrument; upaya (skillful means, methods of teaching)
loose stool; watery stool
sewer pipe
inconvenience; inexpediency; unhandiness
convenience for transportation; convenience of access (by road or rail)
feces; excrement; stool
call of nature; urge to urinate or defecate (esp. to defecate)
handy; convenient; simple; narrow-gauge railway; light railway
convenience; benefit; profit
bowel movement
relieving oneself; going to the toilet; finishing one's business
feces and urine
comfortable bowel movement
tub used to collect feces in an outhouse
feces contained long in the intestines; fecal stasis; coprostasis
loose or soft stool
everyday clothes (in China); ordinary clothes
very convenient
night-soil vault; clay pot used to collect feces in an outhouse
night-soil vault; clay pot used to collect feces in an outhouse
urination and bowel movement
urinal; men's toilet
fecal incontinence (faecal); anal leakage
sensation of incomplete evacuation (of stool); feeling of incomplete bowel movement; feeling of constipation
fecal occult blood; faecal occult blood; FOB
mucous feces; mucous stool
first stools passed by a newborn baby; meconium