Verb (する)
1. closing; closure; shutdown; lockout
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
insular; closed; unsociable; exclusive
temporary closing of classes
factory closure; factory shutdown; lockout (e.g. during industrial dispute)
Examples (13 in total)
The theme park was closed down last month.
The mosque was temporarily closed.
Facebook is blocked in China.
The school is closed due to snow.
The factory was shut down ten years ago.
Possibly the factory will be closed down next week.
The airport was closed because of the fog.
The museum had to close due to lack of finances.
They debated closing the school.
She told us the road was closed.
This museum has been closed for five years.
The company plans to close its U.S. sales unit in New York.
I'm a bit down because a blogger friend of mine has decided to stop blogging.