1. culture; civilization; civilisation
2. Bunka era (1804.2.11-1818.4.22)
Pitch accent
Composed of
sentence; composition; text; the literary arts (as opposed to the military arts); academia; statement
action of making something; -ification
Used in vocabulary (76 in total)
many cultures; multicultural
food culture; dietary culture; cuisine
cultural sphere
person of culture; cultured person
cultural assets; cultural property
cultural differences
different culture; foreign culture
stipulation; stating clearly; documenting in writing; stating explicitly
cultural heritage
cultural anthropology
cultural history
mass culture; pop culture; popular culture; culture of the people (as opposed to the elite)
traditional culture
cultural exchange
moral culture; spiritual culture; culture born through the workings of the human mind (science, religion, philosophy, religion, art, etc.)
(Japanese) Agency for Cultural Affairs
semi-European-style house; type of Japanese house incorporating Western elements that was made popular in the 1920s and 1930s
(China's) Cultural Revolution (1966-76)
cultural aspect
youth culture
cultural science (Rickert's "Kulturwissenschaft")
philosophy of culture
Culture Day (national holiday; November 3)
country with a high level of culture
cultural facilities (art galleries, tea rooms, etc.)
culture of everyday life
cultural association
Ministry of Culture (e.g. in China)
Order of Culture; Order of Cultural Merit
cultural film
culture; arts and sciences
Cultural Affairs Department
consumer culture
Islamic culture
Kulturkampf (church-state conflict in Prussia; 1872-1887)
heavy double-handled pot used for making rice
cultural friction
organizational culture; culture of an organization
cultural museum; museum of culture
East Asian evergreen forest culture (theory)
material culture
visual culture; culture of visual images; (screen) image culture
cultural revolution
writing into law; codification; enacting
culture of the printed word; book culture
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; UNESCO
merchant class culture that flourished in Edo during the Bunka-Bunsei period
(the so-called) kanji culture
cross-cultural; comparative culture
cultural relativism
person who has made outstanding cultural contributions
Bunka-Bunsei period (approx. 1804-1830 CE)
popular culture
fundamental culture (concept proposed by German folklorist Hans Naumann); deep culture
Palaeolithic culture; Paleolithic culture
cultural geography
Minister for Culture and Tourism
cultural psychology
culture of a higher order (as opposed to fundamental culture)
cultural imperialism
stone age culture
New Culture Movement (revolutionary movement in China, 1917-1921)
safety culture
cultural appropriation
Longshan culture (China, 3000-1900 BCE); Lung-shan culture; Black Pottery culture
(one's) native culture
bunkafu; tablature notation system used for shamisen music
Examples (40 in total)
I love French culture.
Esperanto is a bridge between cultures.
He is familiar with Japanese culture.