1. good fortune; happiness; blessing; good luck
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (39 in total)
great fortune; good luck; rice cake stuffed with bean jam
lottery; tombola; drawing
Fukuoka (city, prefecture)
homely woman (esp. one with a small low nose, high flat forehead, and bulging cheeks); plain woman
happiness; well-being; joy; welfare; blessedness
Fukushima (city, prefecture)
long life and happiness
large-headed dwarf statue, bringer of good luck
god of fortune; god of wealth
beatitude; supreme bliss
Fukui (city, prefecture)
god of fortune
happiness in the next world
happiness and prosperity; Fukurokuju; god of happiness, prosperity and long life
fukuwarai; New Year's game in which blindfolded players place cutouts of facial features onto the outline of a face
parched beans scattered on Setsubun
fortune and misfortune; prosperity and adversity; good and evil; weal and woe
laugh and grow fat; (lit.) good fortune and happiness will come to the home of those who smile
plump ears (large, fleshy earlobes), said to bring good fortune
fortune; happiness and prosperity
there is unexpected good in what others have left behind; last but not least; (lit.) there is fortune in leftovers
happiness and good fortune
lucky tea (var. of tea made from sea tangle, black soybeans, pepper, pickled plums, etc. and drunk on festive occasions); New Year tea
richer than it appears
long life and happiness
well-being; welfare; benefits and happiness
visiting Fukuoka; coming to Fukuoka
anko-coated mochi (from Ise, Mie pref.)
there is unexpected good in what others have left behind; last but not least; (lit.) there is fortune in leftovers
there is unexpected good in what others have left behind; last but not least; (lit.) there is fortune in leftovers
out with the demon, in with fortune; devils out, good luck in
the Beatitudes
don't despair because you're the last to take your pick; you can find treasures in leftovers; one man's trash is another's treasure
unexpected good fortune
good fortune and happiness will come to the home of those who smile
happiness and comfort; happiness and peace