1. department (in an organization); division; bureau
higher than a 課
2. club
3. part; component; element
4. category
5. counter for copies of a newspaper or magazine
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (282 in total)
all; entire; whole; altogether
subordinate person
club budget; club expense
section meeting
bulky; massive; thick; heavy
part (esp. of the body); region; site; cut (of meat)
radical (of a kanji character)
bulky; massive; thick; heavy
seat (of chair, bench, etc.); seat base
the staff; inside the department
top part; surface
secret place; genitals
one part; one portion; one section; one copy (e.g. of a document)
urban areas
front part; fore; front
neck (region)
portion; section; part
one's post; one's station; department; bureau; section
(Meiji era) official responsible for court ceremonies
six copies; Buddhist pilgrim (carrying 66 copies of the Lotus Sutra to be left at sites across Japan)
staff; member (club, society, etc.)
head (chief, director) of a section or department; head of a (school) club; head of a (school) team
southern part; the south (of a region)
club activities; extracurricular activities
tail; caudal
division (of a larger group); branch; field; class (subclass); group; category
people belonging to a hereditary occupation group (Yamato period)
number of copies; circulation
lengthy (of a book, etc.); voluminous; most (e.g. most part); greater; fairly
ministry in charge of military affairs (ritsuryo period); military command body (early Meiji period)
three parts; three copies
center; centre; middle; Chūbu region (incl. Aichi, Nagano, Shizuoka, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi and Gifu prefectures)
the eight legions (devas, nagas, yaksas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras, mahoragas)
management; (executive) staff; leaders; leadership; top brass; upper echelons
parts; accessories; components
groin; groin region; inguinal region
headquarters; head office; main office
the genital area
base; foundation
outside (an organization, department, etc.)
diplomatic mission
beginning part; initial part; nose cone (missile)
real part (of complex number)
tribe; clan; house
phase; aspect; field; side
Ministry of Rites (Tang-dynasty China)
drama club (e.g. at school); dramatic society
club activities; extracurricular activities
literary club (e.g. at school); literary section (e.g. newspaper)
concert band (as a school activity); wind ensemble
two parts; two copies; the second part
interior; inside; internal
head; cranium; cephalic
research division; research club (e.g. at school, university)
(the) executive; administration; leadership
medical faculty
calvaria; area at top of head; parietal
department of a university; undergraduate (course, program, etc.)
school store; co-op
base; bottom
department; bureau; section; part
changing post (department, club, etc.)
edible part
kanji "shell" radical (154)
pars triangularis; triangular area; triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus
force; unit; corps; squad; troops; party
outside (e.g. of a building); exterior; outside (of a group, company, etc.); outside world
back of head
branch; subdivision
top brass; upper echelon; higher-ups; top management; upper reaches; top of the pile
baseball club (at a university, corporation, etc.); baseball team
central part; heart (of a city)
class; heading; group; category
senior high school (esp. the senior high school section of a school that also encompasses other grades)
editorial department
middle school (esp. the middle school section of a school that also encompasses other grades); junior high school
details; particulars
track and field club
military authorities; army circles
sports club (e.g. at school); sports department (e.g. in a newspaper)
soccer club (at a school); football club
basketball club
western part; the west (of a region); the West (United States)
information bureau; intelligence department
lower part; substructure; subordinate (office); good and faithful servant
deepest part; deepest portion; depths (of the ocean etc.); innermost
centre; center; middle
commanding officer
Ministry of War (Tang-dynasty China)
dark side (of nature, town, etc.)
all parts; various parts; every department
Ministry of Revenue (Tang-dynasty China)
sales department
pupils who are not members of any school club; (lit.) go-home club
urban area; urban district
leg; leg portion; foot (of a page)
part; section; affected part (of the body); private parts; genitals
Development Department
central part
personnel department
Ministry of Justice (in Tang-dynasty China)
commanding officer
department (faculty) of literature
girls' or women's division or section
second division; secondary division
mountainous region
division (of company); operations department
executives; top management; governing body
general affairs department (bureau); executive section
law department; law school
femur (femora)
coastal region; coastal area; coastline
department (or school) of technology, engineering or science
northwestern part; the northwest
accounting department
southwestern part; the southwest
research division; inquiry section
northeastern part; the northeast
planning department
wooden part; xylem
inner-city area; city center
safety department; security department
inland districts; inland areas
public relations section or department
rugby club
Public Safety Bureau (of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department); Special Branch (police); Ministry of Public Security (China)
economics department; economics school
table tennis club; ping-pong club
local news section; the city desk
mountaineering club; mountain area
Ministry of Works (Tang-dynasty China)
news department
southeastern part; the southeast
special investigation department
Naval General Staff
advertising department; public relations department; PR department
boxing club
department of science
component; part; material; member
food (on a table) (esp. a small Japanese table); dinner; cover (in a restaurant); cook; chef; person who prepares food
lengthy (of a book, etc.); voluminous; most (e.g. most part); greater; fairly
badminton club
sales department
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (1871-2001)
legal office; law office; legal department
torso; body; trunk
daytime; noon period of the day; matinee
lowest part; bottom (or footer) of a page, computer screen, on-screen window, etc.
department of agriculture
pharmaceutical department; college of pharmacy
police affairs department; police headquarters department which handles human resources, finance, etc.
rural district; farming area
faculty of education
basketball club
badminton club
cervix uteri; uterine cervix; neck of the uterus
promotion department; development department; enhancement department
publishing department
two parts; both parts; both realms (i.e. the Diamond Realm and the Womb Realm); Shinto-Buddhist amalgamation
foot region
extrusion; protrusion; bulge; projecting part; overhang
business school (in a university); faculty of commerce
the side
Ministry of Religious Education (1872-1877)
bass register
military government
periphery; margin; rim; penumbra
underlined part
treble; high singing voice
club journal; club notebook
external genitalia (esp. female); vulva
college of liberal arts (general education); liberal arts school
forehead; frontal
liaison department; public relations department
night-school season
general affairs department (e.g. in a company); operations department
elementary school (esp. the elementary school section of a school that also encompasses other grades); primary school
imaginary part (of complex number)
main part; complete subject; grammatical subject
copyreading department
Nikaya (early sectarian) Buddhism
rural districts; counties
island area; insular region
Buddhist pilgrim (carrying 66 copies of the Lotus Sutra to be left at sites across Japan)
remainder; the rest
faculty of humanities
part number; PN
(musical) exposition
Sthaviravada (early Buddhist movement)
bend; flexure
lower brain; base of the brain
soft tissue
Music Department (part of the Board of Ceremonies of the Imperial Household Agency)
out-of-store sales department
four-part harmony
Mahasamghika (early Buddhist movement)
five fundamental texts of Ise Shinto
Inspectorate General of Military Training (1898-1945)
Ministry of Popular Affairs (1869-1871); Ministry of Popular Affairs (under the ritsuryo system)
punch station
corpus uteri; uterine body; body of the uterus
gastric region
assign to sections; division
foreign news desk
body part
weld; weld zone; welded part
controlling element; actuator; operating portion
variant part
(of a book, etc.) short
faculty of informatics
woody parts (of plant); xylem
elbow; elbow-shaped bend
partial eclipse
collating (printing)
processor; handler
phloem; inner bark
address field; address part
neuromuscular junction; myoneural junction
mantissa; significand
exponent portion; characteristic (e.g. in floating-point representation)
mail-order department; branch store
Litigation Department (of the Ministry of Justice)
First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Immunology Department; Department of Immunology
suburban districts
storage unit; memory unit
four orders of Buddhist followers (monks, nuns, male lay devotees and female lay devotees)
tape transport
path overhead section
user part
operation part
generic content portion description
read station
end of procedure division
initialization section
read station
content portion
division header
substring; subsequence
physical medium dependent
document class description
Voigt element (combination of spring and viscous damper)
meroblastic cleavage; partial cleavage
temporoparietal junction; TPJ
pulmonary apex region; apical pulmonary region
part number; PN
rotator interval; rotator cuff interval
Examples (19 in total)
I belong to the tennis club.
Welcome to the home cooking club.
He belongs to the camera club.