1. cloth
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (23 in total)
cloth; fabric
old cloth; rag
hemp cloth; linen
piece of cloth
piece of cloth
white cloth
made of cloth
sailcloth; canvas
clothes padded with cotton
stretching of cloth
crotch portion (of trousers, panties, etc.)
texture; "grain" of a fabric or cloth; direction of the loom or weave in a roll of fabric
same cloth; spare cloth (e.g. for patching)
cloth diaper; cloth nappy
polishing cloth
twill damask and brocade
cloth width
cloth strainer; filter cloth
cloth mask; cloth face mask
hanging curtain used in place of a wall (Heian period)
Examples (16 in total)
Kate spread the cloth over the table.
This cloth is smooth.
Cut the cloth diagonally.