1. dated; date; fixed; external
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (58 in total)
nailing on; nailing down; being stationary; being rooted to the spot; (price) pegging
support (e.g. for an argument); backing; proof; evidence; corroboration; substantiation
care of (e.g. address on letter); c/o
appendix; postscript; retrofit; post-installation; giving a reason afterwards; making an excuse after the event
double-dipping (a food item in sauce)
bringing alongside (ship, vehicle, etc.); coming alongside; mooring
gratuity; tip
tidying up; finishing
date; dating
tidying up; clearing up; cleaning up; clearing away; putting in order
artificial feeding; accustoming wild animals to eating food given by humans
placement; fixed position; mapping out; location
attaching the polite suffix "-san" to somebody's name
putting life into; animating; cheering up
attaching the familiar suffix "-chan" to somebody's name
attaching the polite suffix "-sama" to somebody's name (more polite than "-san")
rationalization; justification
naming; christening; fiance; fiancee
rating; classification; allocation; grading
(verbal) message; sending word; (arch.) excuse; (arch.) pretext
ranked list (entertainers, sumo wrestlers, millionaires, etc.); program (e.g. theatre)
external (hard drive, disk drive, etc.)
colophon (at the end of a book); imprint; publication information
fleshing out (e.g. a plan); giving substance (to); modeling; modelling
pricing; (price) positioning
starching (e.g. clothes); pasting; gluing (e.g. paper, a letter)
door-to-door entertainment; door-to-door entertainer; strolling musician; street musician
use of the familiar address "kun"; treating someone with familiarity
coloring; colouring; adding color; adding colour
pep-up; reassurance; pick-me-up; restorative; energizer
directing; orienting; orientating; guiding; aligning
linking; linkage; associating (information); connecting
appetizer; later date; post-dating (e.g. a letter or cheque)
bookkeeping; bookkeeper
paying (or paying out) double; (after number N) paying N times as much
pricing at
setting to music; composition
ranking; unit
front matter (of a book); preliminaries
soldering; brazing
soldering; brazing
paging; pagination; numbering
weighting (numerical)