Adjective (な)
1. impossible
Pitch accent
Composed of
un-; non-; negative prefix
possible; potential; practicable; feasible
Composed of
wrong; bad; not allowed; not possible; failing grade
talent; gift; function; noh (theatre)
Used in vocabulary (13 in total)
to make the impossible possible; to accomplish the impossible
effectively impossible
Examples (87 in total)
It was impossible to escape.
Nothing is impossible for God.
It is next to impossible.
It was impossible to find an answer.
That wasn't possible.
Recovery was almost impossible.
We found it impossible to persuade him.
It's out of the question.
Space travel was thought to be impossible.
He is impossible to beat.
Your idea is absolutely impossible.
I'm not saying it's impossible.
It is impossible for him to do it.
It is impossible for him to become a doctor.
It is next to impossible to carry it out.
This plan is impossible to accomplish.
It is impossible to finish this in two days.
It was impossible for me to answer this question.
It seemed impossible that Tom would succeed.
These operations are technically impossible.
It is impossible to resolve the conflict.
It is impossible, you know, to make him agree.
French people don't think of anything as impossible.
The sunrise is unobservable to physicists.
It'll be impossible to get a visa at short notice.
It is absolutely impossible to do so.
It's impossible to live on that island.
It is impossible for me to finish this work in a day.
As far as my experience goes, such a plan is impossible.
It's impossible to substitute machines for people.
It's almost impossible to work out this problem.
Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve.
He is always trying to do the impossible.
It's impossible to take on more work at the moment.
For him to finish it in a day would be impossible.
It is impossible to live without water.
He is unable to finish it in an hour.
It was next to impossible to get a trained pilot.
It was impossible for him to take the picture in the dark.
This broken vase can't be repaired.
It is impossible to master English in a short time.
It's impossible to get there by noon.
The word "impossible" isn't in the French language.
It is considered impossible to travel back to the past.
To live without air is impossible.
I found it impossible to cross the road.
I think it's impossible for us to beat him.
It is impossible for Yumi to finish it in a day.
Modern science has turned many impossibilities into possibilities.
It is next to impossible to make him stop smoking.
Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem.
There is no knowing what will happen next.
It is impossible for me to finish the work in an hour.
It is impossible to master English in a year or so.
It is impossible to get him to understand the new theory.
It isn't possible to clear the snow from every road.
He found it impossible to go there on foot.
He found it impossible to lift the lid.
My dictionary doesn't have the word "impossible".
Without your help this plan would be impossible.
I tried to break the door open, which I found impossible.
It is almost impossible to learn a foreign language in a short time.
It's impossible for me to finish my term paper by tomorrow.
It is impossible to catch up with the fast runner.
She found it impossible to understand what he was saying.
He says he will come, which is quite impossible.
She tried to lift the box, but found it impossible.
It is next to impossible for me to go with you.
It's not absolutely impossible to climb the mountain.
It is impossible for you to jump two meters high.
Finishing the report by tomorrow is next to impossible.
At present it is medically impossible to cure this disease.
The translator found it impossible to explain what he meant.
He thinks it impossible for me to climb the mountain alone.
If it were not for electricity, our civilized life would be impossible.
The committee rejected the proposal on the ground that it was impractical.
I like the challenge of translating the untranslatable.
It looked almost impossible for him to finish his book.
The twins look so much alike it's next to impossible to distinguish one from the other.
Is it impossible to live to be 150?
It is next to impossible to see Rome in a day.
Yoko found it impossible to live alone any longer.
It's impossible to learn English in a month.
It is impossible for me to do the work in a week.
It was impossible for the boy to swim across that river.
It is utterly impossible to finish the work within a month.
It is impossible for me to get there before noon.