1. table; chart; list
2. memorial to an emperor
Kanji used
front side
Pitch accent
Top 7200
Used in vocabulary (176 in total)
facial expression; countenance; look; appearance; expression (vocal, etc.)
expression; presentation; representation; notation
representative; representation; delegation; switchboard number; main number
surface; face; outside; exterior; appearances; superficiality
cover (of a book, magazine, etc.); binding; appearing on the cover of a magazine
official announcement; proclamation
declaration; indication; representation; manifestation; demonstration; expression
on the surface; ostensibly; superficially; apparently
surface of the earth; ground surface
expression in writing; written representation; notation; writing on the surface (e.g. an address on an envelope); inscribing on the face
superficial; apparent; seeming; surface; cosmetic
nameplate; doorplate
surface; outer layer
letter of resignation
symbol; emblem; mental image; representation; idea
expression; presentation
front and back; inside and outside; two sides; duplicity; double-dealing; being two-faced
schedule; program; programme; itinerary
timetable; schedule
report card; result sheet
list; table; schedule; catalogue; catalog
surprise; something unexpected
title; index; heading; headline; caption
ranking table (e.g. sports league)
expression method; how to express oneself; phrasing
schedule; itinerary
list or table of charges; tariff; price list
chart; diagram; graph; figure
menu; list of meals (e.g. for the week)
expression; confession
mounting (of a picture); binding (of a book)
timetable; schedule; allocation of time (e.g. to tasks); time usage
appearing on the surface; symbol; sign; distinguishing mark; diagnostic character
program guide; (TV) channel guide
medical questionnaire; medical interview sheet; medical history form
mounting (a picture)
courtesy; show of respect
memorial to the emperor
list of marks; list of grades
work schedule; progress schedule; process chart
(printed) itinerary; road map; program (for the solution of a political problem, etc.)
(play or film) cast list
table (of logarithms)
notation; orthography; writing system; representation
trial balance sheet
table of random numbers
model; pattern; paragon; leader; teacher
personnel record; business record
statistical table or chart
simplified chart; quick reference table
seating plan (e.g. banquet); seating chart
classified table; classification table
Japanese syllable table
distinguishing mark
outside a table or list; not a common kanji
main (switchboard) number; main telephone (phone) number
table of logarithms; log table; log tables
itemized account; itemised account
expressing one's intent; gesture; ideography
phonetic representation
chart at the left
prefiguring; foreshadowing
monument at cemetery entrance
eye chart; eyesight test chart
errata; erratum; corrigenda; corrigendum
tabular; tabular form
draft of magazine's content (a table showing the allocation of each page)
symbol; emblem; image; expressing; representation; making clear (e.g. someone's virtues)
staff; stave; score
conjugation table; conjugation chart; declension table
multiplication table
the following table
daily trial balance sheet
vocabulary word list
star catalog; star catalogue
ichimoku; chart analysis method for forecasting price movement
eye chart; eyesight test chart; visual acuity chart
distribution list (for assets after seizure, bankruptcy, etc.)
chart used to keep track of a wrestler's records during the tournament
specification table; specification sheet
condition chart; conditions list; status chart
tide table; tide charts
Japanese syllable table
diagram below
draft of magazine's content (a table showing the allocation of each page)
multiplication table
chart used to keep track of a wrestler's records during the tournament
symbol; emblem; sign
sign; portent; omen; herald; harbinger
frequency table; frequency distribution table
phonetic alphabet (e.g. A for alpha, B for bravo, etc.); phonetic code
standard tables of food composition in Japan
In-Out Board (in office)
travel-time table
inside a table or list
illustration by tables
non-jōyō kanji; kanji outside the common-use kanji list
chart (esp. stock market, commodity prices, etc.)
journal (accounts)
interindustry relations table; input-output table
display command; display instruction
simple-interest table
star catalog; star catalogue
chart (esp. stock market, commodity prices, etc.)
logogram; logograph
simplified list; summary list
compound interest table
congratulatory card or letter sent to the Emperor; congratulatory address
vocabulary list
financial statement; statement of assets
war-memorial monument
war-memorial monument