1. sign; mark; flag
Kanji used
be conscious of
Pitch accent
Top 27500
Composed of
mark; sign; (arch.) plain wood showing the seating order of officials at court; (arch.) nameplate
acquaintanceship; vijnana; consciousness; written by...
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
Examples (10 in total)
What does that sign say?
Look at the sign right in front of you.
The sign says "Exit."
Didn't you disregard a stop sign?
Most signs are written in English.
The sign indicates the location of the escalator.
They fixed the sign to the wall.
The runner had reached the halfway mark.
Finding one's way around Nagoya is very simple. All you do is look at the signs.
The sign says that the police will take your car away if you park it here.