Adjective (の)
1. art; fine arts
Pitch accent
Composed of
art; technique; means; way; trick; trap
Used in vocabulary (38 in total)
art gallery; art museum
work of art
art history
art exhibition
art dealer; fine art(s) shop
the world of the arts
contemporary art
college of the arts; university of the arts; art university
art works, traditional artifacts and antiques; artistic handicrafts; decorative art
the plastic arts
art historian
scenography; scenic design; set design; stage design
art lover; lover of art
arts and crafts; artistic handicraft; fine and applied art
applied fine arts
avant-garde art
modern and contemporary art
Japan Fine Arts Exhibition
Bunten exhibition; annual art exhibition sponsored by the Ministry of Education (antecedent of the Nitten exhibition)
representational art
Examples (15 in total)
Did you go to the art exhibition?
I'm studying art at school.
She is studying fine art at school.