1. tail (animal, kite, comet, etc.); tail end
2. slope at the foot of a mountain
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (18 in total)
waterway; channel; wake (of a ship)
azure-winged magpie (Cyanopica cyana); long-tailed
(mountain) ridge
tail and feathers
caudal fin; tail fin
tail and fins; embellishment (of a story, rumor, etc.); exaggeration
tail (animal); tail end; tip
fish served whole (complete with head and tail)
tail feathers
whale tail
tiger's tail; gooseneck loosestrife (species of flowering plant, Lysimachia clethroides); Asplenium incisum (species of spleenwort)
drooping tail
head of a shamisen or lute (bent back like a shrimp's tail)
whale tail
backside part of the shamisen's neck where it meets the body
pattern of Japanese accent with the last mora high and the succeeding particle low
better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion
Examples (6 in total)
My dog is wagging his tail.
The dog wagged its tail eagerly.
Rabbits have long ears and short tails.