1. aeroplane; airplane; aircraft
Pitch accent
Composed of
aviation; flight; flying; to fly; to take a flight
chance; opportunity; machine; aircraft; counter for aircraft; counter for (remaining) lives
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
paper airplane (aeroplane)
hydroplane; seaplane
Examples (157 in total)
I saw an airplane.
Is the plane on schedule?
If possible, I'd like to go by plane.
That airplane is huge!
How much did the flight cost?
An airplane is flying overhead.
The planes arrived one after another.
Did you really fly the plane?
The plane will arrive at three.
Before I knew it, the plane had landed.
The plane took off easily.
The airplane was at the mercy of the strong wind.
We flew across the Atlantic.
The plane was delayed on account of bad weather.
This plane is his.
The plane flew over the mountain.
Is it OK to take food on the plane?
Are you going by plane or by car?
The plane flew east.
It looks like the flight was delayed.
He was killed in an airplane accident.
The airplane was swallowed up in the large clouds.
A plane is flying above the city.
How long will it take by plane?
We are traveling to France by air.
You must decide whether you will go by train or by plane.
The airplane soon went out of sight.
Is this plane on schedule?
He hates air travel.
I slept on the plane for a couple of hours.
She died in a plane crash.
I took an airplane for the first time in my life.
Their plane will soon take off.
The plane crashed suddenly.
What time does your plane depart?
John went to America by air.
His airplane crashed in the mountains.
There have been a lot of airplane accidents recently.
When did the plane land at Narita?
The airplane is to arrive at ten o'clock.
The plane landed at 6 o'clock exactly.
He bought a plane ticket.
The plane flew out of sight.
I made a model plane.
Did the plane make up for the lost time?
The plane dropped bombs on the city.
The pilot landed the airplane in the field.
What time did the plane arrive at Narita?
Our plane was flying above the clouds.
We traveled to Mexico by plane.
He likes travelling abroad by air.
He may have missed the plane.
He survived the plane crash.
The airplane landed at Narita Airport.
I wonder if the plane will arrive on time.
The weather was bad so the plane was delayed.
He'll leave by plane tomorrow.
He is scared of flying on an airplane.
We had three airplanes.
I don't like traveling by air.
Do you know the time of arrival of his plane?
I arrived just in time for the plane.
Will we be in time for the plane if we leave now?
It's a miracle he wasn't killed in the plane crash.
No one survived the plane crash.
I am going to America by plane.
Do you travel by sea or by air?
My father traveled all over the world by air.
Buses run between the station and the airport.
My flight will depart in an hour.
He went from Tokyo to Osaka by plane.
I prefer traveling by train to flying.
Mr. Sato safely boarded the plane.
How long does it take to go to Okinawa by plane?
I have to catch a plane in three hours.
How many hours does it take to go to Okinawa by plane?
Have you ever felt dizzy on a plane?
Many goods are now transported by air.
I looked down on Mt. Fuji from the window of the plane.
He has twice flown the Pacific.
I'm flying to Moscow tomorrow morning.
What time is your plane due to take off?
His plane has not arrived at the airport yet.
Look! The airplane is taking off.
The plane from Chicago arrived at the airport late at night.
Tom went to Boston by plane.
The plane we boarded was bound for San Francisco.
He boarded a plane bound for Los Angeles.
We enjoyed a grand view of the Alps from the airplane.
The plane made a perfect landing.
The airplane is capable of supersonic speeds.
You're in luck. The plane is on time.
All communication with that airplane was suddenly cut off.
The airplane has robbed travel of its poetry.
The plane departs from Heathrow at 12:30.
The plane arrived at Itami Airport on time.
If I'd taken that plane, I wouldn't be alive now.
Seen from a plane, that island is very beautiful.
A thick fog delayed our flight.
She waved at me before she got on board the plane.
I had no choice but to take the plane.
The airplane ascended into the clouds.
Ask him when the next plane leaves.
The plane climbed to an altitude of 10,000 meters.
The airplane took off for London last night.
The plane is on the way from Tokyo to Italy.
I took an airplane from Tokyo to Kyushu.
Do you know when Tom's plane is arriving?
The speed of an airplane is much greater than that of a helicopter.
Our plane was flying over the Pacific Ocean.
The new airplane flies at twice the speed of sound.
We took a plane from Tokyo to Sapporo.
What time shall we arrive at Sapporo if we take this plane?
Tom flew to Australia last Monday.
Seen from the plane, the islands were very pretty.
This plane flies between Osaka and Hakodate.
Our plane took off exactly on time at six.
The natives saw an airplane then for the first time.
The hijackers moved to the rear of the plane.
Many flights were canceled because of the typhoon.
How did the plane crash come about?
Why, in aviation, are there life vests instead of parachutes?
Seen from the plane, the island looks very beautiful.
I prefer travelling by train to flying.
Had I taken that plane, I would be dead by now.
Seeing these islands from the airplane, we thought that they were really beautiful.
It will soon be possible for us to go direct to New York by air.
Is it possible to land a plane on this island?
Today we can go to distant countries easily by plane.
His plane leaves for Hong Kong at 2:00 p.m.
The airplane is scheduled to arrive at Honolulu tomorrow morning.
Keiko informed me of the arrival of his plane.
According to newspaper reports, there was an airplane accident last evening.
The Wright brothers succeeded in flying an airplane driven by an engine.
He looked back at me before he went on board the plane.
I felt the same way when I first saw Japan from a plane.
He lived in the days when air travel was considered dangerous.
I'm flying to London for a business meeting this week.
Seen from an airplane, the island looks like a big spider.
My flight was canceled and I can't leave until tomorrow.
I wonder if he can reserve the flight for me.
If this airplane were to be hijacked, what in the world would you do?
I phoned my son before boarding the plane, telling him to come to the airport to pick me up.
You're lucky. The plane arrived on time.
The plane accident cost the lives of 200 people.
There were 120 people on the plane, exclusive of the crew.
This airplane accommodates 400 passengers quite comfortably.
This airplane is capable of carrying 40 passengers at a time.
There were 144 passengers and 6 crew members on board this plane.
It took Jane twenty hours to fly to Japan.
Airplanes enable us to travel around the world in a few days.
It will cost you $100 to fly to the island.
Two airplanes, one large and one small, were at rest in the hangar.
Our plane leaves at noon, arriving in Okinawa at 1:30.
My sister got a job with an airline company and became a flight attendant.
They shot down two enemy planes during the raid.
We flew to Paris, where we stayed a week.