1. fault; error; mistake
2. going poorly; being disadvantageous; being unfavorable
3. un-; non-; an-
Alt. forms
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (290 in total)
unreasonable; illogical
certainly; without fail; right and wrong; pros and cons
unjust; inhuman
criticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach
number-withheld phone calls
group comprising the lowest rank of Japan's Edo-period caste system (often ex-convicts or vagrants); non-human
right and wrong
off duty
free and unbiased; fair and just; ruling or judging what's right is right and what's wrong is wrong; calling spade a spade
for emergency use
lack of common sense; thoughtlessness; senselessness; irrationality; absurdity
cold-hearted; callous; unfeeling; insentient (objects); insensate; inanimate
powerless; helpless; incompetent
state of emergency
the extraordinary; the unusual; the unexpected
time of emergency; (in an) emergency
informal; unofficial
illegal; unlawful
rightly or wrongly; by all possible means
non-combatant; civilian
extraordinary; uncommon; remarkable; unusual; rare; prodigious
inhumane; inhuman
falsely similar; counterfeit
inhuman; inhumane
emergency rations
emergency light; emergency lamp
private; exclusive; secret
uncooperative; unhelpful
extraordinary; unusual; strange; unexpected
non-virgin woman; woman with sexual experience
part-time work
delinquency; misconduct
irregular employment; non-fulltime employment; non-regular; irregular; subnormal (number); denormal
part-time lecturer; contract teacher
demilitarization; demilitarisation; demilitarized; demilitarised; unarmed
unproductive; counterproductive
unnatural or untimely (death)
lack of ability; incompetence; incapacity
unpopular (esp. with the opposite sex); undatable
article not for sale
hidden; non-display; to hide (window, etc.)
unofficial; unauthorised
nonviolence; non-violence
unpatriotic person; traitor (to one's country)
condemning; denouncing
heartless; inhuman; unfeeling
out of contact; contactless (usually used to describe contactless cards)
right or wrong
tax-exempt; tax-free; tax-exempted
irregular employment; atypical employment
non-linear; nonlinear
non-profit; not-for-profit; non-commercial
unsociable; retiring; solitude-loving
illegitimate child
illegitimate child
non-Euclidean geometry
immoral; unethical
unnatural or untimely death
anti-war argument; pacifism
extraordinary person; genius
non-ego (philosophy); not-self
non-member state; non-member nation
apolitical; nonpolitical
unsanitary; unhygienic
criticism; censure
unlisted (company, stock)
uninfected person
incompatible; unsupported
non-nuclear; anti-nuclear
not employed; holding a post but having no duties
Nonconformist; Dissenter
banning (e.g. an organization); making something illegal
inhumane weapons; weapon against humanity
non-alignment; nonalignment
impractical; unpractical
unarmed neutrality
non-permanent member (UN Security Council)
non-fulltime worker; non-permanent worker; temp worker; temporary worker
non-lethal weapon
unofficial website
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug; NSAID
unmarried (by choice)
free (e.g. verse); atypical
discontinuity; incoherence
unscrupulous; dishonest; irresponsibly done (work, etc.)
by fair means or foul; right or wrong
unheated (blood) product
non-fulltime employee; non-permanent employee
non-von Neumann architecture
nonself; not self
not independent
anharmonic; non-harmonic; discordant
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
non-electrified; unelectrified
non-tariff barrier; NTB
(philosophical) indeterminism
non-restrictive (of relative pronoun use)
nonbenzodiazepine; non-benzodiazepine; benzodiazepine-like drug
unauthorized; unapproved; not recognized
right triumphs over wrong, law triumphs over right, power triumphs over law, heaven triumphs over power; no man can oppose the divine
partnership between a lawyer and non-lawyer in providing law services (illegal)
unlisted company (on a stock exchange)
nonmetallic element
involuntary unemployment
non-English-speaking world; non-Anglosphere
unlisted company (on a stock exchange)
parenteral nutrition; parenteral alimentation
peacelessness; lacking social peace
impersonalization; impersonalisation; depersonalization
non-fossil (energy, fuel, etc.)
non-Abelian group; noncommutative group
non-disclosure agreement
not enabled; not permitted
non-local jump; non-local branch
asynchronous communication
clerical work
nonprofit (noncommercial) business
complete reversal of values or ways of thinking
ductal carcinoma in situ; DCIS
complete reversal of values or ways of thinking (over time); What appeared wrong in the past now appears right; realizing and regretting the past errors of one's ways
non-nuclear-weapon state
untreated (unheated) blood products
proportional representation system in which both party and individual votes are cast, seats are distributed amongst parties by proportion of vote obtained, and candidates are elected in descending order of number of votes obtained
non-permanent resident
non-finite verb
non-monotonic logic; nonmonotonic logic
not applicable; na
uncountable noun
non-trivial solution
ungrammatical sentence
non-alphabetic; non-alphanumeric
non-return-to-zero change-on-ones recording; NRZ-1; non-return-to-zero (mark) recording; NRZ(M)
non-return-to-zero recording; NRZ; non-return-to-reference recording
non-return-to-zero (change) recording; NRZ(C)
unframed (format)
non real time
non-identity operation
nonprinting character
non-alphanumeric character
nonadd function
nonadd function
non-interactive mode
non-return-to-zero recording; NRZ; non-return-to-reference recording
nonwhite character
unstructured (constraint set)
nonexecutable statement
nonprocedural language
nongraphic character
not a number; NaN
non-integer value
non-isolated amplifier
non-linear programming
offline; off-line
non-equivalence operation; EXCLUSIVE-OR operation
anisochronous transmission
Asynchronous Transfer Mode; ATM
asynchronous transmission
nondestructive read
unprotected area
non-preferred term
unchained sequence
non-incendive; non-firing
nuclear weapon free; non-nuclear; denuclearized
aspherical surface; aspherical
not in the work force
not in the work force
nonspecificity; nonspecific; non-specific
non-enzymatic browning
demythologization; demythicization
non-magnetic body; non-magnetic material
non-magnetic steel
nonstructural element; nonstructural member
inelastic collision
irreversible change
unshared electron pair
unpasteurized (beer); draft (beer); draught (beer); (lit.) nonthermal treatment
non-separability; indivisibility
nonmanufacturing industry; nonmanufacturing sector
non-manual signals; NMS
countries that do not use Chinese characters in their writing; non-kanji countries
disconformity; paralleled unconformity
death not caused by a violent crime (excl. dying of natural causes)
non-circular; noncircular
exchange or research student (as opposed to regular undergraduate or graduate)
noncommutative ring
non-oil producing countries; non-oil nation
subnormal number; denormal number; denormalized number
nonlinear differential equation
untranslated region; UTR
nontrivial (e.g. solution); non-obvious
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; NASH
practising law without a license
nontuberculous mycobacterial infection; nontuberculous mycobacteriosis
nontuberculous mycobacterial infection; nontuberculous mycobacteriosis
to lose an argument despite being in the right; to have the right on one's side, yet succumb to another
non-sovereign territory
denationalization (industry, company, etc.)
unstructured data
unincorporated area; township not formally in a municipality
principle of nonalignment; nonalignment policy
uncoated paper
Nippon Individual Savings Account; NISA
non-positional goods; non-status symbol goods
non-fungible token; NFT
non-fossil energy
non-genetically modified; non-GMO
inability; incapability; lack of calibre