1. program (e.g. TV); programme
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (42 in total)
television program; TV program
news programme; news program
variety show (e.g. on TV)
Examples (28 in total)
I forgot what kind of program it was.
Do you want to watch this program?
What program are you watching?
The program starts at nine o'clock.
This program is a rerun.
The program will finish with the national anthem.
Did you see that show yesterday?
I've had enough of this program.
What's on the air this evening?
I always watch documentaries.
None of the programs look interesting to me.
Which program did you watch yesterday?
We saw an interesting program on television yesterday.
We saw a funny program on TV.
This program is beamed from US to Japan.
That program is now being broadcast.
This is an entertaining program for children.
The program was broadcast over the radio yesterday.
When you were studying in Japan, what sort of TV shows did you watch?
Let's change channels. This program isn't very interesting.
The show will be a great feature of tonight's program.
Speaking of television, what is your favorite show nowadays?
There are many new programs to watch this spring.
We are apt to watch television, irrespective of what program is on.
Next week, millions of people will be watching the TV program.
Because of some technical problem, a movie was shown in place of the announced program.
That program is broadcast every other week.
Yumi got up early to listen to the English program.