1. cooked rice
2. meal; food
3. one's living; livelihood
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Used in vocabulary (95 in total)
evening meal
lunch; midday meal
to have a meal; to eat; to make a living; to earn one's bread
dinner; evening meal
eating house; restaurant that serves simple food
cooked white rice
free food; free meal
vinegared rice; rice prepared for sushi
boiled barley and rice
grain of boiled rice
to have a meal; to eat; to make a living; to earn one's bread
means of making a living; source of income; bread and butter; livelihood
cooked rice; something one never grows tired of
free food; free meal
cold rice; hanger-on; dependent; disgraced former actor
large meal; large meals
rice, meat and vegetable dish served in a small pot
cold rice; hanger-on; dependent; disgraced former actor
solitary meal
cannot make a living
to serve rice in a bowl
rice with minced sea bream (tai)
rice boiled in tea flavored with sake and shoyu
very fond of; more fond of than eating; so fond of that someone would rather not eat than go without; (lit.) more important than three meals a day
Italian food
fast eater; early meal
rice boiled with adzuki beans
having lunch in a toilet cubicle by oneself
food porn (i.e. appetizing pictures of food); terrorizing people by posting food porn
maid at an inn who served clients and worked as a prostitute (Edo period)
rice boiled with soy sauce and sake
steamed rice with millet; boiled rice with millet
losing the means of livelihood
eel kabayaki with rice
chicken and rice
rice boiled with greens
casserole of rice, fish or meat, and vegetables
chestnut rice; rice boiled with chestnuts
living idly
bowl used for serving rice
bowl of rice; single serving of rice; bowl of rice placed by the pillow of the recently deceased
rice cooked together with oyster meat, etc.
free food; free meal
living idly
rice seasoned with vinegar, sugar and salt, used for preparing sushi; sushi rice
thanksgiving rice dish after childbirth
rice seasoned with vinegar, sugar and salt, used for preparing sushi; sushi rice
bowl used for serving rice
(Edo-period inn) maidservant
good-luck meal (eaten before a competition, etc.)
rice cooked with matsutake
rice with other ingredients poured on top
rice covered with beef and vegetables
rice with grilled mushrooms
cooked rice placed at the bedside or grave of the deceased
chicken and rice
pork with rice
dropping off-line to eat
steamed rice (esp. cold rice reheated by steaming it); mochi rice with red beans steamed in a steaming basket; rice with red beans (eaten on celebratory occasions)
living idly
dish of rice and miso soup or dried bonito flakes; (lit.) cat food
eel kabayaki with rice
rice seasoned with vinegar, sugar and salt, used for preparing sushi; sushi rice
rice seasoned with vinegar, sugar and salt, used for preparing sushi; sushi rice
soba and rice cooked together along with meat, vegetables, etc. on a metal plate
rice with other ingredients poured on top
canned meal (e.g. military ration)
single serving of rice (esp. as prison food)
cooked rice with yam bulblets
cooked rice with yam bulblets
thanksgiving rice dish after childbirth
twice-boiled rice (for sick persons)
rice with dried daikon leaves
rice with dried daikon leaves
rice washed in cold water; dried rice soaked in water to soften
casserole of rice, fish or meat, and vegetables
thanksgiving rice dish after childbirth
cooked rice with yam bulblets
to let cooked rice steam after turning off the heat
soba and rice cooked together along with meat, vegetables, etc. on a metal plate
cutlet and rice combo meal
cutlet and rice combo meal
crab meat and rice
conversing in a foreign language while eating; Western-style food
Examples (1 in total)
I went to bed after eating.