1. half
Pitch accent
Composed of
half; semi-; half-past; odd number; (arch.) unit of land area (595.8 m^2)
part; portion; amount; worth (as in "two days' worth"); one's means; one's place; one's duty
Used in vocabulary (10 in total)
halfsies; splitting evenly between two people
for fun; half in jest
taking a story with a grain of salt; discounting half the story
Examples (36 in total)
Cut it in half.
Half of the melon was eaten.
The job is half done.
You may take either half of the cake.
She cut the apple in half.
Half of the apple was rotten.
This month is already half over.
Emmy folded the napkin in half.
Half of the town burnt down in the fire.
I can do it in half the time.
I was half asleep when I went home.
I've done half the work, and now I can take a break.
Half her goods were sold cheap.
At best I can do only half of what you did.
He tore the newspaper in half.
My brother earns half as much money as my father.
Half the office took a day off.
They eat half the world's wheat.
The population of Germany is less than half that of the United States.
Half of the bananas in the basket were rotten.
Tom lived half his life in Boston.
Half of my class like dogs.
Your camera is only half the size of mine.
The train will get you there in half the time.
Sometimes reading took up half his time.
The apple was cut in two by her with a knife.
Peel the apples and slice them in half, cutting out the core.
We bought a grand piano which took up half of our living room.
Since I installed solar panels on my house, my energy bill has been cut in half.
I'm halfway through this crime novel.
Sleep is the greatest thief, for it steals half one's life.
If I should make a lot of money, I would give you half of it.
At last, John and Sue decided to cut the apple into halves.
The price of the stock declined by half in a month.
The price of stock declined by half in a month.
I bought ten pencils, half of which were to be given to my brother.