1. half; semi-
2. half-past
3. odd number
4. unit of land area (595.8 m^2)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (200 in total)
traditional short winter coat resembling a haori without gussets; livery coat; half the sky; mid-air; middle of the sky
insufficiency; half ripe
half the number; haploid
something unfinished; something incomplete; idiot
majority; more than half; most (of); mostly; largely; mainly
midnight; dead of night
half and half; fifty-fifty
even and odd numbers (on dice); chō-han; gambling game in which two dice are thrown and players bet on whether the total is odd or even
half a year; six months
short sleeves
peninsula; Korea
half in doubt; half-convinced; dubious; incredulous
half the amount (of money); half price; half fare
half-moon; half a month; semicircle
half past (the hour)
half a year; six months
first half; upper half
letter of divorce
half day
semi-transparent; translucent
reduction by half; halving
half the face; one side; half; the other side; the reverse; the contrary
half an hour; half hour
short pants; shorts; breeches; knickerbockers
knee underwear
first half
four and a half tatami mats; four-and-a-half-mat room; small room esp. for assignations
half-crazed; frantic
half-human and half-beast
half-holiday; sixth round (in a game of 12 rounds)
geisha apprentice
750cc motorcycle
half a month
half share; half a man
half price
little while; short time; (arch.) an hour
half-term; half-time; half period
half-dozen; half-a-dozen
half the amount
semicircle; half-moon
half blind
semiconsciousness; half-consciousness; unconsciousness; subconsciousness
middle; half-finished
half sole
being about to cry; the verge of tears
one year and a half
with eyes half-closed
half century
faint smile; half smile
half a lifetime
half a point (esp. in go)
half-crying; being on the verge of crying
half-crying; being on the verge of crying
quarter; a fourth; square (piece of) cloth
Japanese calligraphy paper (approx. 25cm by 35cm)
brief word
(arch.) an hour; half-hour; half an hour
semiconductor; solid-state
semicircle; hemicycle; half globe; to go halfway round (e.g. the earth)
semibasement; semi-basement
half a ri (distance measure)
the greater part
hemisphere; dome shape
stub (of a ticket)
quality collar for an under kimono
stance with legs in an L-shape, with one leg bent in front and other extended behind (martial arts, traditional theater)
half-open eyes
half tatami mat; heckling; jeering; interrupting
half-human, half-beast; therianthropic
semitone; half-tone
looking furious; looking like one's about to blow their top
looking furious; looking like one's about to blow their top
half-width characters (e.g. romaji); single-byte characters; en quad
lower half
small bow
part-time farming
seminude; half-naked
half-holiday; sixth round (in a game of 12 rounds)
almost living together; spending most nights with one's partner
a minute and a half
halfway; unfinished
semi-erection; half-boner
half the face
three and a half lines
hermaphrodite; intersexual; androgynous; bisexual (characteristics)
cutting in half; painting or calligraphy done on a half-sized piece of paper; half-size paper
crow dipper (Pinellia tuber); 11th day after the summer solstice; last seed-sowing and rice-planting day
semi-governmental; semi-official
half of a piece of paper; half-size paper; (ticket) stub
half the amount
half-burnt; half-done; half-baked; rare
half share
half a ri (measure of length); halfway
half a piece
fairly high shoes; boots
chromatic scale
half-width cloth (approx. 18 cm)
shorts; short pants
neckpiece (on a kimono)
bottlenose dolphin; bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
loosely organized criminal gang; non-yakuza organized crime group
semiprecious stones
half-opened door (car door, etc.)
half price
only half understood
consonant p in Japanese
handakuten; diacritic kana mark that turns h into p
comedian who plays a lover's part; man who is both handsome and fun
semigloss; semimatte; semimat
semi-finished goods
half watch ashore; port and starboard liberty; shore leave for half of a ship's crew at once
semi-arid; semiarid; semidry
half-year (sometimes esp. as an Edo-period duration of employment); half of a season
half-boiled; half-done
semi-manual (e.g. manufacture)
having buttock cleavage exposed (e.g. when sitting)
Korean (person)
southern half
fairly high shoes
cutting in half
half again of a designated unit
half a month
half a year
underdeveloped country; half-civilized country; half-civilised country
half crop
half line; ray
semitransparent body; translucent body
half-erect (e.g. building)
form of martial art using a short cane staff
50cc motorbike
half portion of noodles or fried rice; half ball (of noodles)
semiperishable sweets; half-dry confectionery
meagre sum of money
semi-presidential system; dual executive system
brackish water
semiprocessed goods
imperfect tense
half-leather binding
half-leather binding
semiofficial paper
semimonthly (publication)
broadside fire
semiskilled worker
half-price ticket
semi-major axis
half a boat length
half duplex; HDX
half tribe
slight acquaintance
brackish water
en quad
reflexive partial ordering
half-duplex transmission; half-duplex communications
superficial knowledge; half knowledge
wake; vigil (that does not last the full night)
semiclosed system
hemichordate (any worm of phylum Hemichordata)
semi-trivial solution
FWHM; full width half maximum; spectral width
half power beamwidth (also 3dB beamwidth)
semi-transmissive liquid crystal
semi-transmissive liquid crystal panel
partially ordered set; poset; semi-ordered set
first cousin once removed
semi-gloss paper; semi-glossy paper
semi-synthetic fiber
half death
unit of land area (orig. 595.044 m^2)
Examples (40 in total)
It's 2:30 now.
But it's almost half past eleven.
I've been waiting for one and a half-hours.