1. punishment; penalty
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
being once divorced; one-time divorcee; (lit.) one x mark (i.e. one name struck from the family register)
batsu game; punishment given to the loser of a game or contest
being twice divorced; two-time divorcee; (lit.) two x marks (i.e. two names struck from the family register)
being twice divorced; two-time divorcee; (lit.) two x marks (i.e. two names struck from the family register)
divine punishment; wrath of God; justice of heaven; suitable punishment; just deserts; come-uppance
corporal punishment
being twice divorced; two-time divorcee; (lit.) two x marks (i.e. two names struck from the family register)
being thrice divorced; three-time divorcee; three x marks (i.e. three names struck from the family register)
being thrice divorced; three-time divorcee; three x marks (i.e. three names struck from the family register)
being thrice divorced; three-time divorcee; three x marks (i.e. three names struck from the family register)
divine punishment
(criminal) punishment; penalty; sentence
severe punishment; rigorous measures
being once divorced; one-time divorcee; (lit.) one x mark (i.e. one name struck from the family register)
reward and punishment
intropunitive; self-punishing
criminal punishment; criminal penalty
punishment by Buddha; divine retribution
heavy punishment
being twice divorced; two-time divorcee; (lit.) two x marks (i.e. two names struck from the family register)
intropunitive; tending to blame oneself (rather than others)
eternal punishment
extrapunitive; tending to blame others
being thrice divorced; three-time divorcee; three x marks (i.e. three names struck from the family register)
being thrice divorced; three-time divorcee; three x marks (i.e. three names struck from the family register)
being thrice divorced; three-time divorcee; three x marks (i.e. three names struck from the family register)
punishment; discipline
impunitive; not tending to blame others
penalty (golf); penalty stroke
Examples (4 in total)
Every crime calls for punishment.
In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments.
Was it necessary to inflict such a punishment on him?