Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. outbreak; spring forth; occurrence; incidence
2. generation (e.g. of power or heat); genesis; origin
3. ontogeny; development of complex multicellular structures from cell(s) in a simple state
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (29 in total)
source; origin
spontaneous generation; abiogenesis; natural occurrence; spontaneous occurrence
explosive increase (in number of pests); (severe) outbreak or upsurge of pests
Examples (25 in total)
An epidemic has broken out.
An epidemic disease broke out.
AIDS has broken out.
Another problem has come up.
An accident took place at the intersection.
An unexpected error has occurred.
Many accidents happen every year.
This is how the accident happened.
Earthquakes can occur at any hour.
An electric current can generate magnetism.
A serious epidemic has broken out in Beijing.
A mountain fire broke out and burnt the forest.
Even now, from time to time there are aftershocks happening.
The machine generates a lot of electricity.
Noise is produced by the sudden flow of current into a solenoid.
As soon as the accident occurred, a police car rushed to the scene.
Burning plastic can release toxic gases.
A fire broke out inside Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris.
The emerging labor shortage is viewed as a sign of economic overheating.
Many accidents resulted from the icy conditions of the road.
Earth has one naturally occurring satellite, the Moon.
Do you know what to do if there's a fire in the building?
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds.
The earthquake which caused the disaster occurred in 1995.
Since 9.11 large scale acts of terrorism have occurred all over the world.