Verb (する)
1. discovery; detection; finding
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (12 in total)
breakthrough; great discovery
undiscovered; not found; unexplored
Examples (76 in total)
I was surprised at the discovery.
I've made a discovery.
Who discovered America?
The murder weapon still hasn't been found.
This is a surprising discovery.
That was discovered on the seafloor.
This discovery will be recorded in history.
Columbus discovered America.
The Stone Age ruins were discovered.
The stolen car was found in the parking lot.
We found him alive.
They found out a new method.
We are pleased with his discovery.
He discovered a new star.
This is the room where the body was found.
That discovery was quite accidental.
I wonder who discovered it.
If you find a mistake, please leave a comment.
Tom found new evidence.
Jim was caught cheating in the examination.
We discovered relics of an ancient civilization.
Oil has been discovered under the North Sea.
To whom do we owe the discovery of penicillin?
It was Marie Curie who discovered radium.
Tell me who discovered air.
By whom was the island discovered?
The police found some blood on the floor.
I discovered a very nice place today.
The discovery of electricity changed our history.
The experiments led to great discoveries.
The discovery of electricity gave birth to an innumerable number of inventions.
We can apply the discovery to various uses.
Captain Cook discovered those islands.
She made a series of medical discoveries.
The whale has been found off the coast of Wakayama.
The whale was found off the coast of Wakayama.
Rich mineral deposits have been discovered recently in Afghanistan.
He didn't make public what he had discovered there.
We recently discovered an error in your personnel record.
We credit Peary with having discovered the North Pole.
He made a very valuable discovery.
We found a secret passage into the building.
The other day I discovered a book written by my father.
Every time I read this book, I find something new.
He made an important scientific discovery.
His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport.
How is the discovery related to the progress of science?
Was the cave found by the boys?
That's how he discovered the comet.
Cancer can be cured easily if it is found in its first phase.
The discovery of oil enriched the country.
His scientific discovery unlocked many mysteries.
The search party found him lying at the foot of a cliff.
He found his missing brother at last.
We were taught that Newton discovered the law of gravity.
The explorers discovered a skeleton in the cave.
We learned that Newton discovered the law of gravitation.
We found a secret door into the building.
When I got home, I found your letter waiting for me.
He was found lying unconscious on the kitchen floor.
Their plot to start a fire was discovered by the police.
Police have failed to turn up any new evidence about the murder.
Scientists regard the discovery as important.
I found the question very easy.
The discovery will have a momentous effect on the treatment of cancer.
The discovery of truth should remain the single aim of science.
The laboratory acquired a fabulous reputation for its historic discovery.
Thanks to these discoveries, man's life span has become twice as long as before.
The rescue team succeeded in discovering a survivor who had been under the rubble for several days.
I hope that some scientist will soon discover a cure for AIDS.
Each generation would have to rediscover for itself the truths of the past.
Scientific discoveries don't always make the world a better place.
He found five mistakes in as many lines.
I found six mistakes in as many lines.
America was discovered by Columbus in 1492.
I found a new meaning whenever I read the book.