1. departure; departing (from ...); departing (at time ...)
2. sending; sent (by ...); sent (at ...)
3. engine
4. counter for gunshots, bursts of gas, etc.; counter for bullets, bombs, etc.; counter for blows (punches)
also ぱつ
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (64 in total)
explosion; detonation; eruption; eruption (of discontent, etc.); outburst; outpouring
sexual excitement; estrus; oestrus; rut; (coming into) heat
statement; remark; observation; utterance; speech; proposal
putting into operation; invocation
invention; intelligent; clever; (arch.) making sense (of something); (arch.) understanding
pronunciation; production of sound
revelation; manifestation; appearance; expression (e.g. in molecular biology; protein expression or gene expression)
spontaneous discharge; accidental gun discharge
official announcement; proclamation
(attack of) fever; pyrexia
suggestion; proposition; proposal; submission (of a bill); motion; proposal
appearance; expression; manifestation
return; relapse; recurrence
repeated occurrence
dynamo; power generator
attack (disease)
requisition; commandeering; conscription
fit; spasm; outburst
smoke bomb; smoke candle
spontaneity; spontaneous passive
proposal; suggestion; motion; initiative
successive occurrence; frequent occurrence; succession (of); series
new development; new discovery
utterance; speech
sudden outbreak; accidental; incidental
undeveloped (countries); backward; unentered
smoke grenade; smoke shell
outbreak of thunder
new hair growth
before an event takes place
speech; utterance; starting to speak; word used to start a sentence
second train to depart; following train; next train
idea; suggestion; plan
increase the number of trains in operation; increase bond issues
spirited discussion
cancer causing; carcinogenesis
publication; printing
departing Tokyo
arriving and departing
electric organ
asking or putting a question; questioning
burst of energy from within
calorific value
starting (train) station
source (of a river); fountainhead; (arch.) source; (arch.) origin; (arch.) rise
onset; outbreak
occurring frequently (of a disease, condition, etc.); high incidence; being susceptible
departure (of the emperor, etc.)
kanji "dotted tent" radical (radical 105)
explosion without effect; wasted bullets
first-to-invent principle (in patent law); first-to-invent system
arrival; place of arrival
generated and purchased electric power
raising dust; dust emission; dust generation
Examples (9 in total)
The next train to arrive was from Chicago.
I want to catch the six o'clock train to New York.
I'd like to make a reservation for the express train that leaves at 6:00 p.m.