1. white
2. innocence; innocent person
3. blank space
4. white go stone
5. white dragon tile
6. skewered grilled pig intestine
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (131 in total)
pure white; blank (e.g. mind, paper)
polar bear (Ursus maritimus)
amusing; funny; interesting
white background; blank
white collar; white lapel
white rabbit
black and white; monochrome; good and evil; right and wrong; guilt and innocence
ice goby (Leucopsarion petersii)
white clothing
white rat or mouse
to open one's eyes wide (as in fear or anger); to faint
black and white; right and wrong
blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)
white kidney bean
to be found innocent
silver (Ag); silver coin; money; silver medal; silver colour; silver color
pure white; blank (e.g. mind, paper)
amateur; layman; respectable woman (i.e. not a prostitute, hostess, geisha); (arch.) unlicensed prostitute
white clothes; white robe; layperson
white hair; grey hair; gray hair
swan (Cygnus spp.); white-feathered bird
white stone; white (go pieces)
white horse; unrefined sake
white of the eye; cold, unwelcoming eyes
white flag; truce flag; surrender flag
white cat
white cat
grey moustache; white beard
albino Japanese rat snake
egg white; white-fleshed fish (e.g. tai, hirame, karei); white meat; sapwood
white wine
white cloth
white magic
bright white (esp. for snow and ice); brilliant white
something painted white; white makeup (for an actor); painted white
cooked white rice
termite; white ant
termite; white ant
white kimono
color of water after washing rice (colour)
motorcycle police; white-colored police motorcycle
white silk
white clover (Trifolium repens); Dutch clover
white tabi
white magic
white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)
white dog
white sesame seeds
white sesame seeds
white bean jam; sweet white bean paste
light-brown miso
snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)
white tea
Lindera triloba (species of spicebush)
white elephant
ferret; fitch
ferret; fitch
white label; white tag; white card (in karuta); blank card; honour awarded to samurai in Tosa
white pig; white person
salad dressed with tofu, white sesame, and white miso
sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus); gray nurse shark
melon cucumber
white hairband
any butterfly of family Pieridae (incl. the white butterflies and the sulfur butterflies)
silver-lipped pearl oyster (Pinctada maxima); golden-lipped pearl oyster; white-lipped pearl oyster
beluga (Delphinapterus leucas); white whale; beluga whale
white spot
white Lolita (fashion style)
woman who puts thick white powder on her neck; low class prostitute
white-lined chipboard
whiteout; overexposure
pewter; solder
tripe; cow rumen; white flesh (of fruit)
white spring onion; white scallion
white peafowl (white variety of Indian peafowl)
cannellini bean; white kidney bean; navy bean; haricot bean; great northern bean
cannellini bean; white kidney bean; navy bean; haricot bean; great northern bean
cannellini bean; white kidney bean; navy bean; haricot bean; great northern bean
white wig, worn by an actor playing a demon (noh)
white goods; large household electrical appliances; (arch.) salt; (arch.) tofu; (arch.) white sake
white goods; large household electrical appliances; (arch.) salt; (arch.) tofu; (arch.) white sake
standard white registration plate with green characters (used for private cars)
unlicensed taxi; unlicensed cab
flea-bitten gray (horse coat color); flea-bitten grey
Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)
Oriental odd-tooth snake (Dinodon orientale); Japanese odd-tooth snake
pale cyan; pale azure
snow-covered rice paddy; field
first-class ticket
white person; whitey; honkie
muscovite; white mica; talc
thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana)
pale thrush (Turdus pallidus)
white-handed gibbon; lar gibbon (Hylobates lar)
gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
snow fungus (Tremella fuciformis); silver ear fungus
white pongee
jetbead (Rhodotypos scandens); white kerria
bok choy hybrid (Brassica campestris var. amplexicaulis) (pak choi, bokchoy)
dealing in rice speculating on the year's harvest while the paddies are still covered with snow
internal organs such as intestines used as food
white fir (Abies concolor)
false virgin's lepidella (Amanita virgineoides)
Choenomeles lagenaria; shiroboke flowering quince
light chestnut (horse coat color)
smooth hammerhead (Sphyrna zygaena, species of hammerhead shark)
bok choy hybrid (Brassica campestris var. amplexicaulis) (pak choi, bokchoy)
mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus); Rocky Mountain goat
visible breath (i.e. when it's cold); frosty breath; white breath
black marlin (Makaira indica)
contract-free mobile phone; unprogrammed cellphone; mobile telephone without an assigned number
vitiligo; leucoderma; leukoderma
broad velvet shrimp (Metapenaeopsis lata); shiba shrimp (Metapenaeus joyneri)
scimitar oryx (Oryx dammah); scimitar-horned oryx
Aspergillus kawachii; Aspergillus awamori var. kawachi; white kōji mould, used in shōchū production
northern gannet (Morus bassanus)
northern gannet (Morus bassanus)
red and white-speckled silica
eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca)
ordinary woman secretly engaged in prostitution (Edo period)
white sake (presented as an offering to the gods)
Shiromaru Station
Examples (30 in total)
All swans are white.
The color white is a symbol of purity.
My sled is white.