1. actor; actress; player; performer
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
movie (film, screen) actor or actress
stage actor; stage actress
character actor; character actress
Examples (31 in total)
Do you have a favorite actor?
Harry is an American actor.
Brad Pitt is an actor.
He ought to have been an actor.
My father was an actor.
He became a famous actor.
Actors are used to appearing in public.
Is Tom a famous actor?
By the way, he's not a singer. He's an actor.
To tell the truth, that actor is married.
Who is your favorite actor?
He became acquainted with the actor.
The actors are waiting on the stage.
She had a picture taken with an actor.
The actor has a large yacht.
Who's your favorite Hollywood actor?
He was the first actor I had met in my life.
The actor died at the height of his popularity.
One of them is an actor, who is going to pretend to murder someone.
He seems to have been a very popular actor when he was young.
"Are you a model or an actor?" "No, I'm just a student."
The son of a great actor became a good actor in his own right.
The actors appeared in historical costumes.
This actor is very famous in Russia.
The girls were all excited at the thought of meeting the actor.
He made a lot of efforts to become a famous actor.
Cue cards are used primarily on television to help the actors remember their lines.
I agree with you that the actor is very talented.
The actor is two years senior to me.
He has a great admiration for actor Olivier.
The actor really played cowboy roles better than any other actor.