Adjective (の)
1. annuity; pension
Pitch accent
Composed of
year; counter for years (e.g. of an era), grades (e.g. school); period of an apprentice's contract (usu. ten years)
gold (Au); golden (color); valuable; of highest value; money; gold coin; Friday
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
survivor's pension or annuity
defined contribution pension plan
national pension; government pension system
(living on a) pension; annuity
welfare pension
pension system (scheme)
life pension; annuity
company pension
disability pension; invalid pension
annuity insurance
personal pension
basic pension
amount of a pension payment; annuity
insurance premium; pension contribution
private pension
old age pension
(retirement) pension
old-age pension
fixed-term annuity
widowed mother's allowance
legislators' pension (and retirement benefits)
variable annuity
Examples (12 in total)
He was granted a pension.
The old man lives on his pension.
My grandfather is living on a pension.