Verb (する)
1. recognition; awareness; perception; understanding; knowledge; cognition; cognizance; cognisance
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
recognizing anew; seeing something in a new light
common sense; common knowledge; common understanding
identification tag
lack of knowledge or understanding
voice recognition; speech recognition
accepting (acknowledging) the reality
space perception; spatial perception; spatial awareness
misrecognition; mistaking (x for y)
historical awareness; understanding of history
facial recognition
pattern recognition
handwriting recognition
character recognition
position recognition (in a device or system); location awareness
unrecognized; unrecognised; lack of recognition
mild cognitive impairment; MCI
magnetic ink character recognition; MICR
AVR; Automatic Volume Recognition
handwriting recognition
optical character recognition; OCR
Examples (4 in total)
The world did not recognize him.
We are fully aware of the importance of the situation.
We should have been fully aware of this risk all along.