Verb (する)
1. entry to school or university; matriculation; enrolment (in university, etc.) (enrollment)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
school entrance ceremony
entrance examination
matriculation fee
Examples (16 in total)
My son entered high school.
Dan was accepted into medical school.
What is the reason you want to enter this college?
He was granted admission to the university.
He entered Tokyo University this spring.
Please tell me the requirements for admission to the college.
The standards for admission to this school are very high.
Our principal wanted to admit Bob to our school.
He got into this school in September last year.
If they admit me to the university, I think I will major in economics.
He was admitted to that school without taking the exam.
My parents expect me to enter the university.
I had known his name for some time before I entered this school.
I'd like to try out the aerobics class for a day.
I entered this school two years ago.
He began to learn English when he was twelve years old, that is to say, when he entered junior high school.