Verb (する)
1. entry to school or university; matriculation; enrolment (in university, etc.) (enrollment)
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (21 in total)
school entrance ceremony
entrance examination
matriculation fee
congratulations on entering a school; gift to someone entering a school
admission based on recommendation; enrolment by recommendation (enrollment)
backdoor admission to a school; backdoor entry to a school; buying one's way into school; bribing one's way into a school
applicants for admission
application for admittance to a school
readmission to a school
provisional enrollment; provisional enrolment
difficulty of getting into a college
admission and placement (e.g. to a school); transfer admission; advanced-standing admission
gaining admission into a school in a school district other than one's own
entrance examination
admission of university graduates to an undergraduate program
school admission category
starting the new school year from autumn (instead of spring); autumnal admission; fall matriculation
University Entrance Qualification Examination (establishes the equivalent of high-school graduation prior to 2005)
Examples (16 in total)
My son entered high school.
Dan was accepted into medical school.
What is the reason you want to enter this college?