Verb (1-dan, transitive)
1. to put in; to let in; to take in; to bring in; to insert; to install (e.g. software); to set (a jewel, etc.); to ink in (e.g. tattoo)
2. to admit; to accept; to employ; to hire
3. to accept; to comply; to grant; to adopt (a policy, etc.); to take (advice, etc.); to listen to; to pay attention to
esp. 容れる
4. to include
5. to pay (one's rent, etc.)
6. to cast (a vote)
7. to make (tea, coffee, etc.)
8. to turn on (a switch, etc.)
9. to send (a fax); to call
Pitch accent
Top 40500
Used in vocabulary (94 in total)
to obtain; to procure
to accept; to receive; to agree
Examples (144 in total)
I couldn't get in.
Put it in the microwave.
Let him in.
Enter your name.
Don't let the dog in.
Add lots of ice.
Please insert your card.
You have something in your pockets, don't you?
Turn on the microphone.
Did you put oil in the pan?
Would you like some cream in your coffee?
Let's put this in the trunk.
Put some water into the vase.
Put the flour on the shelf.
Would you please turn on the air conditioner?
What do you have in your suitcase?
Put the car into the garage.
He was put in a cell.
Don't put bell peppers in the bento.
Add a little more pepper.
Turn on the rice cooker, please.
Tom got a tattoo.
Put the key in the mailbox.
You put in too much pepper.
Could you put it in a shopping bag for me?
Let me in, please.
I don't know where to put it in.
I let the cat into my room.
Why won't you let us in?
Could you put these in a box?
"Would you like some tea?" "Yes, please."
You can enter the library freely.
He stuck the book in his bag.
She put the key in her bag.
Fill a glass with water.
Do you put sugar in your coffee?
He put milk in his coffee.
I put it in the drawer.
Open the curtains and let the sunshine in.
Put the eggs into the boiling water.
Can foreign students join this club?
Because you're a minor, you can't enter.
He dropped a letter into the mailbox.
I forgot to put film in the camera.
How about wearing contact lenses?
Add my name to the list.
Please make me a cup of coffee.
How long should we leave it in the oven?
How many onions did you put in the stew?
Have you ever put your cat in a cage?
Please put this in the microwave oven.
Would you like some more salt on your popcorn?
Please leave a message on my answering machine.
I included onions, carrots, and potatoes.
I am holding a glass bottle with a letter inserted.
Tom has an organ donor card in his wallet.
Open the door and let me in, please.
Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden?
No one can enter without our permission.
The statue was cast in a mold.
I sometimes put a little salt in it.
Is the water hot enough to make tea?
I'll just put this in the fridge.
Thanks for adding me to your list of friends.
He could not send his son to college because of poverty.
I drink coffee with milk every morning.
I have a bottle of beer in my backpack.
Please fill this bucket with water.
He should be put in prison.
Always keep a handkerchief in your pocket.
Bob filled the pot with water.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
He hardened clay by putting it into a fire.
The doors were locked and we couldn't get in anyhow.
Open the windows to let in some air.
Please fill the teapot with boiling water.
Which folder did you put the photos from the sports festival into?
I have a dentist appointment on Monday.
The door was locked, so I couldn't get into the room anyway.
He backed his car into the garage.
Tom often puts cinnamon in his coffee.
You can't enter the building without a permit.
She was combing her hair for a long time.
Enter your username, followed by your password.
Tom keeps a pair of binoculars in the glove compartment of his car.
The record concert is free of charge and is open to everyone.
Don't talk with your mouth full.
Do not talk with your mouth full.
This classroom can accommodate only thirty students.
Don't speak with your mouth full!
Add a little more milk to my tea, please.
She filled the vase with water.
Do you think a little salt would improve the flavor?
He put some coins in the box.
I usually put honey in my tea instead of sugar.
What is the total price with all taxes included?
Please fill this bottle with water.
Put the meat in the refrigerator or it will spoil.
This tire needs some air.
Why do you have a picture of Tom in your wallet?
I got a new battery put in my watch yesterday.
I have some stamps in my bag.
He framed the picture he had bought on the street.
In another paragraph, he put in a comma.
I had money, credit cards, and my driver's license in my wallet.
She's been sent to jail for murder.
While you are about it, please make a cup of coffee for me, too.
I put the money in a three-year time deposit at the bank.
Don't let anyone enter or approach this room.
Put the wet umbrella in this bag, please.
He opened the window to let in some fresh air.
He thought someone had put poison in his soup.
I want a box in which to keep these toys.
When you wash the bag, please do not put it in the washing machine.
Tom put a new roll of film into his camera.
This hamster is small enough to carry in your pocket.
Enclose your resume in this envelope and submit it to the personnel department.
We gathered all the books together and put them in the spare room.
If you are going to have a party, please count me in.
Carrots, onions, potatoes, beef... what else do you want to put in?
The boy gathered a handful of peanuts and put them in a small box.
The wall wasn't high enough to keep dogs out.
She locked her jewels in the safe for fear they might be stolen.
Please mail this letter the next time you go to the post office.
Tom keeps an extra pair of shoes in the trunk of his car.
I put the used syringes in a can for safe disposal.
The money was put into a special fund to buy books for the school library.
The fence was not high enough to keep the wolves out.
Put the pliers in the tool box.
I put the circular in the mail box.
I'll put in two cloves of garlic.
There are six people including him.
The classroom next door holds up to a hundred people.
Open the door and let the dog in.
I added this website to my favorites.
Where should I put my laundry?
I'll put the old bridge back.
She put new soil in the flower pot.
The drinks were served in coconut shells.
Don't leave your dog in the house all day.
My aunt showed me how to make good coffee.
How do you like your coffee, with or without sugar?
This food will keep for a week in an airtight container.
I like to put an ice cube into my coffee, because it's usually too hot.