1. Japanese person; Japanese people
Pitch accent
Composed of
-ian (e.g. Italian); -ite (e.g. Tokyoite); -er (e.g. performer, etc.); person working with ...; man; person
Used in vocabulary (8 in total)
un-Japanese in appearance or character
(racially) pure Japanese
Japantown; Little Tokyo
Examples (94 in total)
I am Japanese.
She is Japanese.
Is he Japanese?
Are they Japanese?
I am a Japanese woman.
You are not Japanese.
The Japanese have dark eyes.
Her father is Japanese.
The Japanese are a brave people.
He is a typical Japanese.
Cleanliness is proper to the Japanese.
In general, Japanese are hardworking.
He is Japanese to the bone.
On the whole, the Japanese are conservative.
I didn't know that he was Japanese.
I thought you were Japanese.
He is Japanese by birth.
Do Japanese eat a lot of fish?
Japanese people in general are polite.
I am Japanese, but you are an American.
Generally, Japanese people are shy.
The passengers on board were mostly Japanese.
Are you Chinese or Japanese?
The Japanese eat more beef than the British do.
Nearly all Japanese have dark hair.
One is Japanese and the other is Italian.
The Japanese enjoy the songs of birds and insects.
Most Japanese opposed a tax increase.
Most Japanese drink water from the tap.
A Japanese wouldn't do such a thing.
"I'm Japanese," the boy answered.
Am I your first friend who's not Japanese?
"Are you a Japanese student?" "Yes, I am."
Sadly, many Japanese people died.
Most Japanese take a bath every day.
What do you think of those Japanese writers?
Lots of people in Japan are indifferent to politics.
Japanese people tend to think that way.
Many Japanese travel abroad every year.
Those who are present are all Japanese.
Is it true that Tom is dating a Japanese girl?
The number of Japanese going overseas has been increasing year by year.
The Japanese are too sensitive about feelings.
This melody is familiar to many Japanese.
The Japanese as a whole are a rice-eating nation.
I was impressed by the general knowledge of Japanese students.
On New Year's Day many Japanese go to the shrine to worship.
What do you think are the racial traits of the Japanese?
He is the first Japanese that traveled in space.
It is difficult for Japanese people to speak English fluently.
I thought only Japanese were workaholics.
When did the Japanese start eating polished rice?
There were no Japanese in this country.
The Japanese take off their shoes before entering a house.
The Japanese take their shoes off before entering their homes.
I can see some Japanese people here.
He speaks Japanese as if he were Japanese.
The Japanese eat rice at least once a day.
The Japanese are highly receptive to new ideas.
This custom has become firmly established among the Japanese.
For instance, bowing is peculiar to us, the Japanese.
The hotel was designed by a Japanese architect.
Japanese and British people usually wait at a bus stop in a queue.
Generally speaking, New Zealanders are taller than Japanese.
As the Japanese like baseball, so the Americans like football.
"I thought you were Japanese." "No, I'm a Mexican."
Today's topic is "the problem of Japanese people abducted by North Korea".
Few Japanese can use English well.
Mr. Wright speaks Japanese like a native speaker.
Do any of the Japanese women you know smoke?
We often come across Japanese tourists in this area.
Sixty percent of Japanese adult males drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis.
Japanese love to soak in a hot tub before bed.
The Japanese do not always make a bow as a mark of respect.
January 1st is the day when many Japanese go to shrines.
We often hear it said that the Japanese are good workers.
Jane has a Japanese friend who speaks English well.
This novel describes the life of the Japanese as it was a hundred years ago.
Japanese people tend to rely on established authority.
Thus, internationalization has become a fashionable slogan for the Japanese.
I learned to study and play like my Japanese friends.
The idea that Japanese women are submissive and always obedient to their husbands is a lie.
According to a recent study, the average life span of the Japanese is still increasing.
The Japanese pay more attention to the group or the organization than to the individual.
A majority of Japanese workers plan to take more than three consecutive days of summer vacation.
The war affected the way the Japanese view nuclear weapons.
Why did the newly married Japanese man say something bad about his wife?
The Japanese have tried to learn the Western way of thinking and feeling for the past hundred years.
I'm Japanese, but I don't live in Japan.
They employ foreigners because Japanese workers are in short supply.
The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Most Japanese eat rice at least once a day.
The Japanese embassy has warned Japanese citizens to be careful.
I hope to go to Japan and beat the Japanese in mahjong.