Adjective (の)
1. double; two-fold; two layers; duplex
2. diplo-; dipl-
3. double-edged eyelid; double eyelid; creased eyelid
Pitch accent
Composed of
two; 2
jūbako; multi-tiered food box; heavy; serious; extreme; -fold
Used in vocabulary (52 in total)
double circle (indicating "very good" on a piece of school work)
dual personality; split personality
twofold and threefold; doubled and redoubled
dual structure; double structure
instrumental duet; instrumental duo
double helix (structure of DNA)
double exposure
double chin
double negative
double-glazed window; double window; storm window
someone with a dual personality
double star; visual double
double torture; double pain; double hardship; double whammy
dual nationality; dual citizenship
duplication; redundancy
double standard
double weave; double cloth
double exposure
redundant keigo (i.e. improper use of the -rareru honorific form together with an honorific verb such as ossharu)
second mortgage
double standard
dual price system
full duplex; FDX
double exposure
double printing
double duty
double standard of morality
half duplex; HDX
double taxation
dual attachment station
double jeopardy
double electron capture
issuing (the same receipt) twice; issuing duplicate (receipts)
Examples (1 in total)
This word has a double meaning.