1. two; 2
ふ and ふう used mainly when counting aloud; 弐, 貳 and 貮 are used in legal documents.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
hermaphrodite; androgyny; hermaphroditism
seeing two people (i.e. romantically) at the same time; two-timing; bifurcation; fork; fence-sitting; playing it both ways
Bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus)
again; once more; a second time
two-digit number; "tens" column; two digits; double figures
two months
two-toed sloth (Choloepus sp.)
double; two-fold; diplo-; dipl-; double-edged eyelid; double eyelid
two classes; double; two sets
two groups; two bands
both people; two people; two directions; both directions
two characters; two letters; (arch.) garlic chives (Allium tuberosum); (arch.) Chinese chives
two colours; two varieties; two types
pair; two kinds; two ways
fairly long period of time; (arch.) four-hour period
two grains; two drops; two bead
for a second time
forked (road, river)
both parents
one or two sizes (bigger, etc.); one or two levels (better, more mature, etc.)
double role
two rooms
second week's memorial services
second week's memorial services
two words; repetition
branch roads; forked roads; crossroads; two ways (of proceeding)
two bunches; two bundles
double-width cloth; woman's underskirt
branch roads; crossroads
deep purple; reddish indigo
second cousin
two half hitches
two Imperial princes
Examples (81 in total)
I slept only two hours.
Second semester has ended.
He has been studying for two hours.