1. refugee; displaced person
2. person inconvenienced by (lack of something); person unable to satisfactorily (marry, shop, etc.)
in compound nouns; ~難民
Pitch accent
Composed of
difficulty; trouble; accident; disaster; fault; defect
citizen; resident; person; user (of a website, esp. as a collective, e.g. Twittersphere)
Used in vocabulary (20 in total)
net cafe refugee; homeless person living in an Internet cafe
person stranded due to mass transit disruptions after an earthquake, etc.
net cafe refugee; homeless person living in an Internet cafe
refugee status determination; refugee recognition; certification of refugee status
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees; UNHCR
someone unable to fulfil their shopping needs (esp. in areas of depopulation or due to lack of transport); people who have been cut off from the retail sector; (lit.) shopping refugee
political refugee
worker who does not have time to eat lunch
return of refugees
Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
environmental refugee
fake refugee; phony refugee; illegal migrant disguised as a refugee
outflow of refugees
over-qualified person; over-educated person (unable to find a job); (lit.) educational refugee
repatriated refugee
refugee crisis
economic refugee
Examples (14 in total)
I'm a refugee.
Refugees poured in from all over the country.
We have supplied humanitarian aid to refugees.