1. contents; content; substance; matter; detail; import
Pitch accent
Composed of
inside; within
form; shape; figure; visage
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
contents (of a container, stomach, etc.); things inside
concerning the content; with respect to the content; content-wise
certification of contents
net content (e.g. on food packaging)
semantic content (of a term); meaning (of a sentence)
job description; job specification; job content
description of services offered; service content
internal volume; capacity
processing details
contents; contained items
content word
associative storage; content addressable storage
content model
content confidentiality
content convention
content retrieval
Content Addressed Memory; CAM
content architecture
content portion
content analysis
content element
explicit content reference
beauty of content (as opposed to form); substantial beauty
content subject
lacking substance; poor in content
Examples (19 in total)
The contents of the letter were secret.
The content was quite thick.
There is no substance in his speech.