Verb (する)
1. independence; self-reliance; supporting oneself; being on one's own
2. independence (e.g. of a nation); freedom
3. separation; isolation
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (43 in total)
war for independence
declaration of independence
independence movement; mutually independent
self-reliance; self-help
independent spirit
independent unit; autonomous unit
independent; unaffiliated; self-funding
Independence Day
acting according to one's own beliefs, being undisturbed by others
independent administrative corporation (institution, agency)
(spirit of) independence and self-respect
tribal independence
a self-supporting accounting system
self-reliance; acting according to one's own ideas and beliefs
independent variable
right of or to independence
single or detached house
freedom of learning
linearly independent
free and independent
independent administration
Commonwealth of Independent States; CIS
independence and self-reliance
(Mendel's) law of independent assortment
an independent word
independent power producer; IPP
Declaration of Independence (the document)
single or detached house
code-independent data communication
workstation independent segment storage; WISS
linearly independent
independent compilation; separate compilation
noncontiguous item
independent city; city that is not part of another local government entity
non-sovereign territory
Examples (27 in total)
He is independent of his parents.
Elizabeth is independent of her parents.
He is certainly independent of his parents.