Adjective (の)
1. specific; particular; designated; special
Verb (する)
2. specifying; designating; identifying; pinpointing
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (46 in total)
unspecified; random; indefinite
identifying an individual; pinpointing an individual
specific area; specified region; designated area
food for specified health uses (e.g. cholesterol reduction); FOSHU; designated health food
introduced species (esp. invasive species as defined by law)
diseases specified by the Japanese government as being worrisome, having no known treatment and of unknown causes
animals designated as dangerous by Japanese law
specified nonprofit corporation
Act on Specified Commercial Transactions
especially dangerous designated criminal group; especially dangerous designated boryokudan
specially designated secret
designated procedures; specified acts
(historical) designated speculative stocks
deduction for specified expenditure
specified risk material; SRM
(Japanese) land registration system
corporate investment fund
specific layout structure
application-oriented language
significant digit
specific character data entity
Application-Specific Integrated Circuit; ASIC
specific logical structure
special low power transceiver (wireless)
specified CFCs; controlled CFCs
revenue source set aside for road construction
Law Concerning the Promotion of Specific Non-Profit Organization Activities (1998); the NPO Law
Asian countries with strong anti-Japanese sentiment (i.e. China, South Korea, and North Korea)
Act on Labor Relationship of Specified Independent Administrative Agency, etc. (2002)
specified medical corporation; non-profit corporation which operates hospitals, etc.
person who identifies someone's private information (esp. through online research); doxxer; doxer; person who identifies real-life locations or items appearing in anime, video games, etc.
specified disaster; disaster of extreme severity; large-scale (natural, etc.) disaster identified as especially disruptive
specified expectant mother; expectant mother who has been identified as in need of extra support after birth (because of unstable income, mental illness, etc.)
specified complex tourist facilities area; area approved for containing integrated resorts with casinos
special precautions; heightened vigilance
specially designated vacant house; vacant house that has been declared dangerous or dilapidated by the local authority and may be subject to higher taxes, fines or demolition
specified account; designated account
special donation trust; specified gift trust
mid-sized vehicles weighing over 8t
Examples (5 in total)
The police still can't point out who committed the crime.
I am not alluding to any person in particular.
The Forensic Investigation Unit is trying to determine the cause of today's fire.