1. road; highway
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (36 in total)
road (highway) map
highway; freeway; expressway; motorway
Examples (102 in total)
There is frost on the road.
Never play on the road.
There's a fog on the road.
Tom crossed the road.
The road was blocked by an avalanche.
The roads are jammed with cars.
Look out! There's a hole in the road.
A new road is under construction.
Fallen rocks blocked the road.
The railroad is parallel to the road.
This road is of great importance.
An old man lay dead on the road.
I saw him cross the road.
The road was slippery.
Be careful! There's a cow in the road!
She was afraid to cross the road.
The road to the village is very rough.
The streets in Hokkaido are wide.
The road goes north from here.
New roads were constructed one after another.
The streets of New York are very wide.
The road was blocked by a fallen tree.
Driving on an icy street is a dangerous business.
It's nice to drive on a smooth road.
There is heavy traffic on this road.
The road was gray with dust.
Spitting on streets is a crime in Singapore.
The road curled around the side of the hill.
The road was crowded with various vehicles.
There is a great deal of traffic on this road.
Due to the thick fog, the road was difficult to see.
This road is unpaved and uneven.
The tree cast a shadow across the road.
Her house is a little way off the road.
There is little automobile traffic on this road.
It was dark, and I could not make out who was coming along the road.
The roads are very crowded at this time of the day.
This road goes to the city.
I saw a little girl sitting by the road, crying.
One day he was walking along the street.
You should concentrate on the road when you're driving.
This road connects Tokyo with Osaka.
Don't cross the road when the signal is red.
Our house stands by the road.
The city wants to extend the road.
These workmen are constructing a road.
The road bends sharply to the right at this point.
They had cleared the obstacle from the road.
This road is full of sharp turns.
His house is just over the road.
It's not a road, but a path.
They made the road more even.
The rebels made a barricade across the road.
After the rain, there were puddles on the street.
This road is closed to cars.
The width of the road is insufficient for safe driving.
Which highway leads to the football stadium?
What's the speed limit on this road?
The road was closed on account of the flood.
There is a broad street near my house.
Well-made roads extend far from the city.
The broad lines on the map correspond to roads.
After the storm, the road was blocked with fallen trees.
I found a strange object lying on the road.
She was aware of the danger of the frozen road.
The road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake.
My father warned me against crossing the road.
It isn't possible to clear the snow from every road.
The road ran straight for several miles.
I just saw a fox run across the road.
The icy road sparkled in the sunlight.
Two men began to fight on the street at night.
Recently, many traffic accidents have occurred on that road.
The new road will benefit the people living in the hills.
The resolution that a new road be built was passed.
In Japan, almost all roads are single-lane.
The road is dusty. It cannot have rained yesterday.
Mothers should keep their children from playing in the streets.
This road should have already been completed according to the original plan.
We think that the narrow road was responsible for the accident.
This road is so broad that buses can pass easily.
The injured man lay in the street before the police arrived.
You'll soon get used to driving on the right.
She told us the road was closed.
Whichever highway you decide on, it will be crowded with cars and trucks.
He began experimenting in making better roads.
There are roads and freeways wherever you go in America.
Because of the heavy fog, we could barely see the road in front of us.
She braked hard when she saw a child run out into the road.
They are binding the gravel with cement to repair the road.
There are more cars on the road in the summer than in the winter.
We had not gone far before we saw the road blocked by a truck.
Many roads are flooded. As a result there are long delays.
Police immediately sealed off the streets around the hotel as they searched for the bomb.
I slipped and hurt myself while I was clearing the road of snow this morning.
My mother taught me to always look both to the left and to the right before crossing the street.
The road is parallel to the river.
The old man walked across the road carefully.
About two miles farther on, the road bent to the right.
Since the road is wet this morning, it must have rained last night.
The road parallels the river for a few miles.
If you throw trash on the road, you have to pay a fine of up to 500 dollars.