Adjective (の)
1. morals
Pitch accent
Composed of
road; path; way; set of practices; Buddhist teachings; Taoism; modern administrative region of Japan (Hokkaido)
virtue; benevolence; profit; benefit
Used in vocabulary (34 in total)
ethical; moral
immorality; iniquity; impropriety
sense of morality; moral sense
moral sense
morally; from the moral point of view
virtuous person
moral consciousness
national morality
moral philosophy
moral philosophy
sexual morality
Sklavenmoral (slave morality, as a philosophical concept of Nietzsche)
morality play
of strict morals (moral principles); highly moral
Herrenmoral (master morality, as a philosophical concept of Nietzsche)
humanity and justice; benevolence and righteousness
Tao Te Ching (classic Chinese text by Lao Tzu); Daodejing
political morality
practical ethics (morality)
Moral Rearmament; MRA
ethics and morality
moral sense; sense of morality
double standard of morality
conventional morality; conventional morals
moral decadence (decline, corruption)
Examples (5 in total)
It is contrary to the morals.
An animal has no moral sense.
Compassion is the basis of all morality.