1. tool; implement; instrument; utensil; apparatus; device
2. means
3. furniture
Pitch accent
Composed of
road; path; way; set of practices; Buddhist teachings; Taoism; modern administrative region of Japan (Hokkaido)
tool; means; ingredients (added to soup, rice, etc.); counter for sets of armor, utensils, furniture, etc.
Used in vocabulary (31 in total)
household goods
stage setting; scenery; stagehand; sceneshifter
household belongings; household possession; furniture and household goods; goods and chattels; home furnishings; household goods
stock-in-trade; tools of one's trade
plaything; toy
toilet articles; makeup kit
propman; sceneshifter
offensive weapons
firearms; missile; projectile weapon
small tool; gadget; (stage) properties; prop; prop master
second-hand shop; curio shop
kitchen utensils
set of tools (implements); kit; outfit
tea utensils
fishing tackle
old furniture; curios; secondhand goods
preparation of tools
cookware; cooking gear
kitchen utensils
instruments of torture
facial features
lock pick; lock-opening tools
the three weapons for catching criminals (Edo period)
instrumental conditioning
incense set (e.g. burner, tray, tongs, etc.)
Examples (23 in total)
He was used as a tool.
These implements are in common use.
All our things were turned upside down.