1. animal
Pitch accent
Composed of
stock; products; stolen goods; loot; spoils
Used in vocabulary (137 in total)
zoo; zoological gardens
Examples (153 in total)
Humans are animals.
Horses are animals.
Cats are animals.
Are fish also animals?
It was a strange beast.
What is your favorite animal?
Man is a creature of emotion.
All animals are equal.
Animals are our friends.
Baby animals are cute.
The animals died one after another.
The horse is a useful animal.
The lion is the king of beasts.
Donkeys are tough animals.
Horses are friendly animals.
Humans are the only animals that laugh.
What animal is it?
She likes animals, you know?
Humans are strange animals.
Man is also an animal in a broad sense.
Animals inhabit the forest.
Small animals are very cute.
Do you think animals have souls?
Some animals are active at night.
A dog is sometimes a dangerous animal.
The horse is a very useful animal.
I experimented on animals.
I bought a book about animals.
There are many animals in the park.
People can talk but animals cannot.
Mike liked animals very much.
The skin of animals is covered with hair.
Do not feed the animals.
Do you have any animals?
My children really like animals.
Animals act on instinct.
Be kind to little animals.
The dog is a faithful animal.
Animal bodies are made up of cells.
It's a very bizarre animal.
In India, the cow is a sacred animal.
An animal has no moral sense.
I like taking care of animals very much.
Elephants are strong animals.
There are no live animals in the museum.
Animals cannot distinguish between truth and falsehood.
Man is a social animal by nature.
Many kinds of animals have vanished from the earth.
This animal is very intelligent.
Wild animals live in the jungle.
The koala is an animal peculiar to Australia.
He is always kind to animals.
He kept on writing stories about animals.
The cheetah is the fastest animal.
Zoology deals with the study of animal life.
This animal is bigger than that one.
He was also kind to animals.
The child watched the animal with amusement.
He likes animals more than people.
You can see many animals in this forest.
My son likes books about animals.
My mom doesn't like animals.
Humans are the only animals that can use fire.
Why do you think animals dread fire?
This rock has the shape of an animal.
Animals can learn and pass on what they learn.
Is it possible for me to raise the animal?
Many animals have been destroyed by men.
This is a kind of animal that lives in the sea.
Man has reason, animals do not.
This is an animal found in that desert.
No animals are to be found on the island.
Don't be cruel to animals.
What do you call this animal in Japanese?
Animals and plants live on this planet.
Man is the only animal that writes books.
Human beings are not always wiser than animals.
The animal struggled to get out of the cage.
No animal can exist without plants.
The animals were scared by the thunder.
If I could be any animal, I'd be a fox.
A lot of wild animals died for lack of food.
What kind of animals live around here?
These animals are very friendly, too.
There are some strange animals in that zoo.
This is a place where animals are buried.
Those animals were in danger of dying out.
Dolphins are very intelligent animals.
Tom likes animals more than people.
Some animals will not breed when kept in cages.
What do you call this animal in French?
Some animals can be taught to use knives.
She got sick of the ugly animals.
These animals are on the verge of extinction.
There are very rare animals in Australia.
You must catch the animal alive.
What animals inhabit those islands?
Animals lives are no less valuable than our lives are.
Lobsters belong to a class of marine animals.
That animal feeds on flesh.
Blue whales are the largest animals on earth.
Visitors may not feed the animals.
One of the most beautiful animals is the cat.
I like animals, for example, cats and dogs.
I noticed that a small gray animal was looking toward us.
He likes all animals except horses.
These animals were startled by the noise of the fireworks.
The small animal gave off a bad smell.
We often hear it said that ants are social animals.
"Animals in the wild are not robots," she says.
All human beings are much more intelligent than animals.
I'm glad to see such a beautiful animal.
They condemned him for his cruelty to animals.
Horse, lion, dog, goat: these are animals.
He went to Africa to see wild animals.
I saw a marvelous animal act at the circus.
Some animals can sense the coming of a storm.
Young animals adapt quickly to a new environment.
In the drought, many people and animals starved to death.
Those animals can be seen in the northern hemisphere.
Cows are sacred animals to Hindus.
Human beings are different from animals in that they can think and speak.
The forest is full of birds and animals of all kinds.
Animals and plants have the right to live, and men even more so.
Some people keep rare animals as pets.
The possession of intellect is what distinguishes us from wild animals.
Without oxygen, all animals would have disappeared long ago.
At first their abilities are more limited than those of animals.
He likes strange animals, like snakes.
Parrots are the only animal that can imitate human speech.
Of all animals, I like dogs best.
Some animals are very active at night.
It was not until yesterday that we noticed the animal missing.
They lived on corn, potatoes, and the meat of animals.
Darwin studied the animals and birds different from those he knew in England.
There seems to be some genetic problem with this animal.
Mr Hata told us on television some interesting stories about various animals.
I think it is cruel to trap animals for fur coats.
In many ways, animals can do things better than people can.
Some animals, such as lions, eat meat.
His way of looking after the animals is very humane.
He shot many lions, elephants, and other animals.
The chimpanzee is an intelligent creature, capable of solving simple problems.
When we saw the animal so near us, we ran away in terror.
Man differs from animals in that he can use fire.
Some animals are very good at climbing.
They are nature's laboratory for all kinds of plant, animal and insect life.
Men differ from other animals in that they can think and speak.
They say that foxes are more cunning than any other animals.
Animals have bodies largely composed of fluid.
It is said that the fox is more cunning than any other animal.
Cows are more useful than any other animal in this country.
In the beginning, man was almost the same as the other animals.