1. counter for large animals (e.g. head of cattle); counter for insects in a collection; counter for helmets, masks, etc.
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (109 in total)
blind man; masseur (usu. blind)
first part of a word
society president
front of (the main building of) a shrine
many-headed; hydra-headed; large-scale (e.g. breeding)
acute (of the shape of a leaf); acuminate; pointed
(bank) president; greenroom manager (in a theater)
oral; verbal; spoken; parol
(on the) street
head with grey hair (gray); grey head
flathead silverside (Hypoatherina valenciennei)
head; cranium; cephalic
head; lead; vanguard; first
deputy head teacher; vice principal
skull; cranium
(head) clerk
(not) in the least; (not) at all; (not) a bit
head; chief; boss
hair (on the head)
chief; head; leader
shopfront; storefront; shopwindow; over-the-counter
pier; wharf; quay; dock
rise (e.g. of a movement); emergence; rearing one's head; gaining prominence; coming to the fore; gaining power
number of (large) animals
heart; mind
boss; chief; manager
lord of a manor; estate steward
(on one's) mind; heed
turning round (a ship); changing course; veering
how many? (large animals)
head of an army
beginning (of a book, magazine, etc.); opening page; beginning (of a matter); start
wave crest; whitecaps
low bow
frontal lobe
simple type of clothing consisting of a large piece of cloth with a hole in the middle for the head
number of people; population
number of people; population
riverbank (esp. the Yangtze River)
two-horse cart
beheading; decapitation
topic; subject
beginning of the year
beginning; outset; opening; start
snakeheads; Chinese criminal gangs, esp. for smuggling Chinese immigrants
top of the head
temporal lobe
capital (of a column); stigma; top part of the pistil in a flower
beginning of a line (of writing)
quadriceps muscle
top of a pole
coach and four; four horse coach
start of a sentence, phrase, etc.
rocky outcrop
bay shore
pointed end; point; cusp; pointed head
headnote; heading; superscription; above-mentioned; referred to above
the field; the parade ground
prefrontal cortex
critical moment; crucial point; crossroads
the opening greeting on letters
clipping off the beginning of a speech transmission
terminals; suited tiles numbered 1 or 9
acronym; initialism
deflection (gunnery)
frontalis muscle
pottery lantern (curved conical shape)
benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; BPPV
Philippine ground orchid (Spathoglottis plicata); Philippine orchid; large purple orchid
abovementioned item; description at beginning of (this) text or document
initial consonant; syllable onset
sugar apple; sweetsop (fruit)
capitulum (inflorescence)
pachycephalosaur (any dinosaur of infraorder Pachycephalosauria)
obtuse (of the shape of a leaf); rounded
head and neck carcinoma; cancer of the head and neck
temporoparietal junction; TPJ
superior frontal gyrus
middle frontal gyrus
inferior frontal gyrus
globus pharyngis; lump in one's throat; pharyngolaryngeal paresthesia
plagiocephaly; flat head syndrome
Examples (9 in total)
There were six sheep in the field.
There are three cows in the barn.
We have ten cattle.