Adjective (の)
Verb (する)
1. debate; discussion
Kanji used
attack to kill
Pitch accent
Top 26200
Used in vocabulary (4 in total)
debate; panel discussion; forum
public debate; open discussion
debate between party leaders (in the Japanese Diet)
Examples (25 in total)
The discussion came to a conclusion.
The question was much discussed.
He participated in the debate.
I participated in the discussion.
How about holding a debate on women's rights?
The discussion went on till late at night.
Did you listen to the parliamentary debate?
In the discussion the accent was on unemployment.
We discussed the problem.
We will discuss the problem with them.
We had a very vigorous debate.
He sided with the opposition group in the argument.
The two teams debated on the issue of nuclear power.
I move that we continue the discussion.
It's not a suitable topic for discussion.
They will debate the question tomorrow.
A panel of experts discussed the plan.
We will debate this subject at the meeting.
They debated closing the school.
Are you interested in participating in this discussion, Tom?
This problem can not be discussed here for lack of time.
The eloquent scholar readily participated in the debate.
Today we are going to discuss this problem in terms of morality.
We should confine the discussion to the question at issue.
I remember having a hot discussion about the matter with him.