Verb (する)
1. debate; discussion
Pitch accent
Used in vocabulary (2 in total)
discourse ethics
free discussion
Examples (18 in total)
We closed the discussion.
The debate will happen tonight.
The question was discussed in detail.
Let's begin the discussion after he comes.
He was not able to join in the discussion.
We debated the problem.
My voice was ignored in the discussion.
This problem is worth discussing.
Let's discuss the matter right now.
The problem was being discussed by the committee.
The records of our discussions are kept by the secretary.
The problem is being discussed by them.
They entered into a discussion about the issue.
Discussion resumed after a short interruption.
I debated for hours with my friends on the subject.
We arrived at an agreement after two hours' discussion.
The teachers debated the problem with the parents.
The chairman suggested that we should discuss the problem.